% % # .* /. & # & /, * ,. & & , * . *, & _. .** & & ( %& # &% & .% & *#&&& & % & ( % & % % & , / , #( (. # & # & & */ & & #, .& .#&%# & & . W E L C O M E ! * .( & _____ Great that you're interested . / in our work on ride-pooling in Hamburg! & & % & #, & , % & # . . ( .(/ % % & & ________ / & | | . , | TUHH | & & |________| & % | & & | ( ,& O * # & % & ( # / &.& & # % & .%& & # ./ # & ( / &% . * % & & ( *. (& & .& % % / .( % ( # . / & #& .&%,.#* In the attached file ridepooling_hh.gpkg, you'll find five layers that represent one ride-pooling scheme each: LAYER CONTENT +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | atleast1 | area that is being served | | | by at least one ride-pooling scheme | | | | +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | clvs | area that is being served by CleverShuttle | | | | +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | ioki | area that is being served by Ioki | | | | +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | moia | area that is being served by MOIA | | | | +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | moia_plan | area that is planned to be served by MOIA in late 2019 | | | (extended service area) | | | | +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | mtm | area that is being served by mytaxi match | | | (since 07/2019: FREE NOW) | | | | +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------+ CRS: EPSG 25832 Charset: UTF-8 Geometry: MuliPolygon (exception: atleast1 is Polygon) The attached ridepooling_hh.csv contains the geometries as well. All layers have been digitised in May 2019 by using public data provided by the ride-pooling operators. We do not assume any liability for damages on your system that result from using these data. __External Data Sources for census and social monitoring:__ The census data can be obtained at the federal census repository: https://www.zensus2011.de/EN/Home/home_node.html The Hamburg social welfare data can be obtained at the municipal data repository: http://daten.transparenz.hamburg.de/Dataport.HmbTG.ZS.Webservice.GetRessource100/GetRessource100.svc/608cd59c-8f4e-4100-a438-c5e1cb308f69/Upload__sozialmonitoring-bericht-2017_anhang-tabelle.xlsx If you have any questions, please contact me: Christoph Aberle, M.Sc. Research Fellow Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH) Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 D-21073 Hamburg Tel: (+49) 40 - 428 78 - 44 13 www.mobileinclusion.de christoph.aberle /at/ tuhh.de Download PGP Public key: bit.ly/pgp-ca Twitter: @fluegelrad Kudos to Jule Lietzau for the assistance in digitising. Enjoy!