Deformation Dynamics of Nanopores upon Water imbibition: Optical, Gravimetric and Dilatometry experiments (ReadMe: Version 1.0.0) =================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DOI: License and data access: Public Domain Mark 1.0 Universal Data Producers: - Juan Sanchez (, Institute for Materials and X-Ray Physics, TU Hamburg (to whom correspondence should be adressed) - Laura Gallardo (, Institute for Materials and X-Ray Physics, TU Hamburg ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== The datasets included in this work focus on the study of the imbibition dynamics of water in nanoporous Vycor glass. Specifically, this refers to the filling dynamics of water, driven by capillary forces, into a hydrophilic nanoporous Vycor glass sample (porous silica glass). The samples (2) used in these experiments are cylindrical monoliths. Both are identical (mean pore size = 4.9 nm, porosity = 0.3), differing only in length (11.92 mm and 19.27 mm). The properties of the sample can vary depending on the experimental conditions (see for details). The experiments were designed to study capillary rise dynamics. Since Vycor glass is translucent, this can be directly observed by tracking the filling front via changes in the transparency of the samples (optical experiments). It can also be indirectly monitored by measuring properties of the sample that change proportionally to the filling front length. For this, we performed mass uptake experiments, measuring the changes in the mass of the sample during filling. We also used a high-precision dilatometer to measure changes in the length of the sample (strain) during imbibition (dilatometry). Here is a guide to navigate the datasets: GENERAL: Name: The name of the file provides important information in the format ---> YearMonthDay(of experiment)_TypeOfMeasurement_SideFacetsOfSampleWereShielded/Unshielded_RelativeHumidityConditions(in%)_LengthOfSample(mm). Room humidity conditions mean 50-55% relative humidity (uncontrolled). The relative humidity values correspond to the atmospheres the sample was in equilibrium with before the experiment starts. DILATOMETRY: All files with the identifier "Strain Vycor Water" indicate deformation measurements of Vycor glass upon water imbibition. The data consist of three columns of numeric values corresponding to: Time(s), Temperature(°C), and Delta L(µm), where Delta L corresponds to the expansion (positive) or contraction (negative) of the sample compared to the reference value. The reference value was the length of the sample before bringing it into contact with a water reservoir, thereby triggering the imbibition process. To study the deformation dynamics, one can plot Delta L vs. Time. To calculate the strain, the relative deformation must be divided by the original length of the sample (included in the file). To express it in percent, multiply by 100. Remember to make the division using the same units (the original length is given in mm). Note: The time 0 doesn't correspond to the start of imbibition. For experimental reasons, data recording starts before the imbibition is triggered. This can be observed as a plateau in the deformation around the 0 deformation value, followed by a noisy oscillating signal (vibrations), and then a monotonic expansion curve. The beginning of the expansion curve denotes the start of the imbibition process. The dataset 20230320_StrainVycorWater_Unshielded_RHroom_Lo19,27mm.txt includes a very long equilibration time before the imbibition process starts (for calibration purposes). This portion of the data can be ignored. MASS UPTAKE: The same principle as in the above examples applies. However, there are only two columns: time and mass. The mass is zeroed at the original mass of the empty sample. Note: The time 0 doesn't correspond to the start of imbibition. For experimental reasons, data recording starts before the imbibition is triggered. This can be observed as a plateau in mass increase around 0, followed by a monotonic mass increase. The increase denotes the start of the imbibition process. Once the sample is fully filled, it is left for some time before separating the water reservoir from the sample. This separation process is visible in the data as a subtle mass increase (pulling the sample down from the balance due to surface tension) and then a quick decrease (rebound effect) when the liquid-sample detaches. The final mass value after this corresponds to the total mass uptake or the mass difference between the empty and filled sample. OPTICAL: All files with the identifier "CapillaryRise" Data acquired after processing images of the imbibition process and measuring the changes in the transparency of the sample (see After resolving the mean position of the filling front, the value is given in mm in the first column. The second column is just the line index. This column can be transformed into time using the frequency of data recording (7.677 seconds between data points). Note: Time 0 corresponds to the start of the imbibition process. The last data point corresponds to the front reaching the top of the sample. Software recommended for analysis: Matlab, Origin.