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Publication with files A consequential assessment of changes in greenhouse gas emissions due to the introduction of wheat straw ethanol in the context of European legislationUntil today, first generation (1G) biofuels dominate the market for alternative fuels. The European Commission decided to cap 1G biofuels and promote second generation (2G) biofuels with the intention to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, to limit the competition of food, feed and biofuels, as well as to improve societal approval. The assessment of consequences entailed to a shift from 1G to 2G biofuels is required to judge whether such a shift is advisable or not. According to the renewable energy directive (RED), GHG savings, need to be determined for all biofuels. By the end of 2020, fuel blends need to achieve a GHG reduction of 6%. Thus, GHG savings will determine the quantity of biofuel to be blended with fossil fuels and thereby eventually define the demand for biofuels. In this paper, the consequences of a shift from a 1G to a 2G biofuel is assessed by the example of bioethanol from wheat grains and straw. In total, three concepts of 2G ethanol production from wheat straw are considered: fermentation of C6-sugars with (1) co-production of feed, (2) coupled with biogas production and (3) co-fermentation of C5- and C6-sugars with co-production of feed. To determine the effect of the introduction of 2G ethanol, GHG savings according to RED are calculated first, and, in a second step, consequences of the shift from 1G to 2G ethanol are assessed by accounting for substitution mechanisms and emissions from direct and indirect land-use change (LUC). GHG savings of these 2G concepts according to RED methodology range from 103 to 105%. The shift from 1G ethanol to these 2G concepts is assessed by two scenarios: (1) additional production of 2G ethanol and (2) the replacement of 1G ethanol by 2G ethanol. Results indicate that GHG emissions decrease in scenario 1 if all surplus ethanol replaces fossil fuels. Under the given assumptions, the reduction in emissions ranges from 9.0 to 12.1 kg CO2-eq./GJ ethanol-gasoline blend. If 1G ethanol is replaced by 2G ethanol, GHG emission increase in a range from 7.5 to 16.5 kg CO2-eq./GJ fuel blend. This is mainly due to the provision of feed that needs to be supplied as a consequence of the shift in production: 1G ethanol production provides a high protein feed that needs to be provided by other means. Hence, the main driver for an increase in emissions is the provision of soybean meal and entailed emissions from LUC. A sensitivity analysis shows that these results are robust regarding input parameters and LUC assumptions. These findings point out that it is of utmost importance to assess changes induced by the introduction of novel fuels rather than assessing them isolated from market conditions. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that current and proposed legislation might trigger effects opposed to those intended.Publicationtype: Journal ArticleTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.2404Citation Publisher Version:Applied Energy (211): 368-381 (2018-02-01)Publisher DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.105Scopus© Citations 16 298 582 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication without files Application of Huygens' Principle for the Fast Calculation of Field Penetration Through Aperture Arrays(2018-12); ; Aperture arrays appear in many technical applications and can have a significant influence on the electromagnetic compatibility of a device. In this contribution, a method-of-moments approach is presented, which efficiently calculates the field coupling through aperture arrays into casings. This is accomplished by using the Huygens' principle, which utilizes equivalent currents on a Huygens' surface to excite the internal region of a cavity.Publicationtype: Journal ArticleCitation Publisher Version:IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 6 (60): 2025-2028 (2018-12)Publisher DOI:10.1109/TEMC.2018.2805188132 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Die Architektur von Offenheit - Überlegungen zur Gestaltung der digitalen Transformation(2017-06-15)Lecture text of the junior keynote at the Junges Forum für Medien und Hochschulentwicklung 2017 at the University of Hamburg. The potential of the design of openness of socio-technical systems is reflected in architecture. Decisions in the development process of these systems are not only creative, but also political. The paper concludes with examples of decentralized and federated architectures.Publicationtype: Conference PaperTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.16571279 426 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Aspekte wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens in den Ingenieurwissenschaften : erste Thesen und Literaturüberblick(2008-06-05)Based on a literature review this text, written in 2008 as an internal working paper for the project StudIPort 2.0 at TUHH, tries to distinguish methodical aspects of academic research and writing in engineering.Publicationtype: Working PaperTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.1760Citation Publisher Version:Internes Arbeitspapier StudIPort 2.0, Version 1.0415 910 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Auf dem Prüfstand. Lernen bewerten in technischen Fächern.(2014); ; Die Broschüre beschäftigt sich umfassend mit dem Thema Prüfungen. In kurzen Kapiteln werden Anregungen für die Konzeption und Durchführung von Prüfungen gegeben. Neben einem Überblick über die Rahmenbedingungen, die bei Prüfungen zu beachten sind, gibt es konkrete Vorschläge zur Gestaltung von Prüfungen in großen und kleinen Veranstaltungen. Darüber hinaus werden Methoden vorgestellt, die den Wissensstand von Studierenden noch vor den Abschlussprüfungen erheben.Publicationtype: BookTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.12141685 875 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication without files Channel capacity and optimum transmission bandwidth of in-body ultra wideband communication links(2017); The communication of a transmitter located inside the human body to an external device is a challenging task. Ultra wideband (UWB) is a promising technique to use for simple and energy efficient communication in this environment. Up to now no investigations on the channel capacity of in-body UWB communication links were carried out. Additionally, there are no reproducible models available to do so. For this reason, we propose a new channel modeling technique based on a multi-layered dielectric setup. The aim is to show the statistical distribution of the channel capacity that is achievable in a capsule endoscopy application. Furthermore, the dependence of the capacity on UWB transmission bandwidth is evaluated. A comparison to existing path loss models and power delay profiles shows fair agreement, although scattering inside the body and antenna effects were neglected. Results show that there is potential for high data rate transmission. The channel capacity can be improved drastically if two receive antennas are placed on the abdomen operating in a selection diversity scheme.Publicationtype: Conference PaperCitation Publisher Version:International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (2017)50 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files „Classroom Response Systems“ als Türöffner für umfassende didaktische Interventionen(2014-03-03)Practice shows that the use of classroom response systems (CRS, also called „clickers“) has proven to be a promising approach to consider or implement innovative teaching methods like peer instruction scenarios in the course of educational advisory processes. The effect of CRS as door opener becomes apparent in two ways: On the one hand, it tends to attract the attention of lecturers in engineering sciences by its mere technical nature; on the other hand, the experience of CRS can function as a starting point of the advisory process so that, consequently, diverse approaches and methods of educational enhancement can be adressed, e. g. the importance of learning goals as points of reference of modules and study programs. At present, classroom response systems are used extensively at Hamburg University of Technology. Their purpose is to activate students, to contribute to structuring the course of particular lectures and to provide teaching staff with student feedback.Publicationtype: Conference Poster not in ProceedingsTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.2426280 173 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication without files Coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Networks(2018); ; ; Modern passenger aircraft include an increasing number of sensors and actuators that today use wires for data transmission. Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) networks offer an opportunity to reduce the wiring harness complexity of aircraft. In contrast to wired communications, interference from other radio systems has to be expected when using wireless communications. Consequently, appropriate measures must be applied to guarantee performance required by the applications using a WAIC network. This paper discusses the coexistence of WAIC networks operated on board of different aircraft in mutual radio range. The WAIC networks under consideration use a Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) scheme in combination with channel hopping for medium access and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) to compensate for packet losses caused by interference. The ability of these networks to coexist is examined with regard to the requirements of applications suited for WAIC. © 2018 IEEE.Publicationtype: Conference PaperCitation Publisher Version:IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments, WiSEE 2018 : 18-23 (2019-02-07)Publisher DOI:10.1109/WiSEE.2018.8637313405 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files COLIBRI MODULE O17 : documentation of project results : final report(2017-12)During 2014 and 2017 the project COLIBRI (Collaboration and Innovation for Better, Personalised and IT-Supported Teaching) was carried out between seven European Universities, two companies, and a national documentation center. The aim was to develop and try out new and innovative teaching methods. You can read more about the project at . The purpose of this document is to share the experiences we had during the three years, in a way that is useful for others, and in particular for university teachers, university staff involved in the didactical communities, and institutions/decision makers. The different parts can be read independently as to increase the usability for different target groups. To keep the document at a reasonable length, we would refer to some of our publications for more elaborate discussions of some of the more specific aspects of the project.Publicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.1688391 318 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Combinatorics and order as a foundation of creativity, information organization and art in the work of Wilhelm Ostwald(2008)The physical chemist and 1909 Nobel laureate Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) developed broad and multifaceted interests in philosophy (of nature), history (of science) as well as color theory and the international organization of scholarly work. Applying combinatorics, which grew out of his philosophy of nature and which was viewed by Ostwald as a basis for creativity, Ostwald developed a theory of forms and colors. His work influenced marginally the activities of such movements in art like the German Werkbund, the Dutch De Stijl, and the Bauhaus. This poster upports a today more and more visible connection between "in-formation", education as well as art and design. Poster at the conference "Analogous spaces - architecture and the space of information, intellect and action", 15-17 May 2008, Ghent University, Belgium. ( Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.3311548 626 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication without files Concept inventories for control engineering: past and futureThere are many publications about innovations in control engineering education. However, in order to substantially advance control engineering education a deeper discourse about its teaching is needed. This discourse would greatly benefit from having a common instrument to measure the success of the innovations. This can be done by a concept inventory. In physics education, the Force Concept Inventory started such a process. This paper proposes properties of a suitable concept inventory in control engineering, compares them to existing concept inventories in control engineering and concludes that a new concept inventory has to be developed. A research design for the development of this concept inventory is proposed taking into account the control engineering-specific challenges.Publicationtype: Conference PaperCitation Publisher Version:2017 Research in Engineering Education Symposium, REES 2017: (2017)61 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication without files Conversion Routes from Biomass to BiokeroseneThe goal of this paper is to give an overview of the current possibilities to produce biokerosene from different types of biomass. Therefore different existing processes are characterized in relation to the useable feedstock (i.e. vegetable oil, starch, sugar, lignocellulose) and the type of conversion process (i.e. mechanical, biochemical, thermo-chemical or physico-chemical). In this context possible intermediate products as well as the final products are defined. Afterwards the six most advanced conversion pathways are described in more detail. This includes the hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) route, the direct sugar to hydrocarbons (DSHC) route, the alcohol-to-jet (AtJ) route, the biogas-to-liquid (Bio-GtL) route, the biomass-to-liquid (BtL) route as well as the hydrotreated depolymerized cellulosic jet (HDCJ) route. For each route the possible feedstock and the technical specifications are addressed. Finally a short outlook for the described processes as well as a brief assessment is given.Publicationtype: Book PartCitation Publisher Version:Biokerosene: Status and Prospects (Springer): 435-473 (2017-08-09)Publisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-53065-8_18194 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Cross-disciplinary communication among Ph.D. candidates : how to make it work(Verein Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria, 2017-06-23); ; Cross-disciplinary research settings are highly challenging for young scientists. In our research centre, Ph.D. candidates with various disciplinary backgrounds are expected to cooperate. To support cooperation, we designed a Ph.D. programme that fosters cross-disciplinary communication. The programme uses an innovative teaching format that aims to broaden the participants’ understanding of technical basics and to improve their academic teaching skills. Being faced with dissatisfaction among the Ph.D. candidates at first, we introduced a targeted feedback process that paved the way for successful cross-disciplinary communication and cooperation.Publicationtype: Journal ArticleTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.1684Citation Publisher Version:Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 2 (12): (2017)Publisher DOI:10.3217/zfhe-12-02/05316 378 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Data science based mg corrosion engineering(2019-03-08); ; ; ; ; ; ; Magnesium exhibits a high potential for a variety of applications in areas such as transport, energy and medicine. However, untreated magnesium alloys are prone to corrosion, restricting their practical application. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new approaches that can prevent or control corrosion and degradation processes in order to adapt to the specific needs of the application. One potential solution is using corrosion inhibitors which are capable of drastically reducing the degradation rate as a result of interactions with the metal surface or components of the corrosive medium. As the sheer number of potential dissolution modulators makes it impossible to obtain a detailed atomistic understanding of the inhibition mechanisms for each additive, other measures for inhibition prediction are required. For this purpose, a concept is presented that combines corrosion experiments, machine learning, data mining, density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamics to estimate corrosion inhibition properties of still untested molecules. Concomitantly, this approach will provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the prevention of corrosion events in magnesium-based materials and enables more accurate continuum corrosion simulations. The presented concept facilitates the search for molecules with a positive or negative effect on the inhibition efficiency and could thus significantly contribute to the better control of magnesium / electrolyte interface properties. © 2019 Würger, Feiler, Musil, Feldbauer, Höche, Lamaka, Zheludkevich and Meißner.Publicationtype: Journal ArticleTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.2265Citation Publisher Version:Frontiers in Materials (6): 1-9 (2019-03-08)Publisher DOI:10.3389/fmats.2019.00053Scopus© Citations 36 686 383 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Didaktische Qualifizierung zum Forschenden Lernen als akademische Personalentwicklung : Fallbeispiel einer Technischen Universität und Implikationen für die Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs(2016-09-21); ; Since 2015, newly arrived research associates at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) are being educated to plan and design their teaching in a research-related manner. Guided by characteristic learning goals, an obligatory 1-year-program was set up enabling the participants to teach according to modern educational principles, in particular by use of student-centered scenarios of research-based learning. The program framework also provides opportunities to develop an integrative habitus of an academic teacher and researcher alike. To embed this new approach in a wider conceptual context, the poster presents a study to explore the relation between the guiding principles of the educational program of TUHH and modern, generally accepted standards for the development of young researchers.Publicationtype: Conference Poster not in ProceedingsTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.2425316 317 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Didaktische Unterstützung von Postdocs als strategisches Element der Lehrförderung(2019-03-07)It is crucial for centers of teaching and learning to design support structures that are suitable for all relevant groups having a stake in these very academic activities. Also, concepts and measures should be validated by empirical evidence. On the one hand, this allows to disseminate educational knowledge effectively among faculty members. On the other hand, this might lead to a more positive picture stakeholders may draw of academic units like this when it comes to evaluation as part of organisational development it may be affected by. Leaving the professors out of consideration, views and intentions of postdocs - besides some other types of academics with unlimited work contracts - are influencing the teaching culture at universities the most. Therefore, educational advisors should carefully consider the particular work environments and career paths associated with postdocs to be able to establish promising and succesful work relations in order to gradually change teaching and learning practices. Though, centers for teaching and learning have hardly come up with concepts proposed to support this group of academics accurately and persistently. For this reason, firstly, major socio-cultural, professional and organisational characteristics of postdocs are introduced to sketch their academic position. Secondly, a theoretical modell with respect to teaching-related demands of postdocs will be evolved to explain why certain educational methods and well-chosen ways of communication should be concentrated on to counsel them effectively. Finally, the elaborated model will be tested exemplary with use of empirical data gathered from analyses of documentations and evaluations associated with postdoc-centered advisory processes in a school of engineering from 2012 to 2018.Publicationtype: Conference PresentationTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.2430Citation Publisher Version: 232 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Digitaler Freischwimmer : ein Online-Angebot für Lehrende(2019-05); Universities have to offer learning experiences that allow students to acquire media literacy in addition to knowledge and social competencies. In regard to learning, students are only as media competent as it is required at the university. Before implementing digital tools in a meaningful, innovating and motivating way in teaching practices, educators require a first didactical and technical overview and examples of good practice. This poster illustrates the online platform Digitaler Freischwimmer (digital swimming badge. for teaching staff in higher education. It offers a first overview of the variety of educational technologies. Also, it illustrates didactical potentials of digital media in STEM education.Publicationtype: Conference Poster not in ProceedingsTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.2443Citation Publisher Version:Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung “Technische Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung/Automatisierung” Universität Bremen: (2019-05)922 378 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Entwicklung einer offenen technischen Infrastruktur für HOOU-Lernarrangements an der TUHH(2018)Der Aufsatz beschreibt eine technische Infrastruktur für die Entwicklung von Open Educational Resources (OER) auf Basis von freier Software und offenen Formaten.Publicationtype: Journal ArticleTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.1649442 394 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication without files Evaluation of concatenation techniques for state-space interconnect macromodelsIn this work, we show that concatenating inter-connect models represented in state-space (descriptor) form, obtained from either the vector fitting algorithm or the Loewner matrix pencil method, can provide results as accurate as usual concatenation using sampled frequency domain data. A PCB-based interconnect is used as an example.Publicationtype: Conference PaperCitation Publisher Version:IEEE 26th Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS 2017)Publisher DOI:10.1109/EPEPS.2017.8329728212 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication without files Expanding extension, subsidence and lateral segmentation within the Santorini - Amorgos basins during Quaternary: Implications for the 1956 Amorgos events, central - south Aegean Sea, GreeceNew bathymetric and seismic reflection data from the Santorini–Amorgos Tectonic Zone in the southern Cyclades have been analysed and a description of the morphology and tectonic structure of the area has been presented. The basins of Anhydros, Amorgos and Santorini–Anafi have been distinguished together with the intermediate Anhydros Horst within the NE-SW oriented Santorini–Amorgos Tectonic Zone which has a length of 60–70 km and a width of 20–25 km. The basins represent tectonic grabens or semi-grabens bordered by the active marginal normal faults of Santorini–Anafi, Amorgos, Ios, Anhydros and Astypalaea. The Santorini–Anafi, Amorgos and Ios marginal faults have their footwall towards the NW where Alpine basement occurs in the submarine scarps and their hangingwall towards the southeast, where the Quaternary sediments have been deposited with maximum thickness of 700 m. Six sedimentary Units 1–6 have been distinguished in the stratigraphic successions of the Santorini–Anafi and the western Anhydros Basin whereas in the rest area only the upper four Units 3–6 have been deposited. This shows the expansion of the basin with subsidence during the Quaternary due to ongoing extension in a northwest-southeast direction. Growth structures are characterized by different periods of maximum deformation as this is indicated by the different sedimentary units with maximum thickness next to each fault. Transverse structures of northwest-southeast direction have been identified along the Santorini–Amorgos Tectonic Zone with distinction of the blocks/segments of Santorini, Anhydros/Kolumbo, Anhydros islet and Amorgos. Recent escarpments with 7–9 m offset observed along the Amorgos Fault indicate that this was activated during the first earthquake of the 7.5 magnitude 1956 events whereas no recent landslide was found in the area that could be related to the 1956 tsunami.Publicationtype: Journal ArticleCitation Publisher Version:Tectonophysics (722) : 138-153 (2018-01-02)Publisher DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.10.016113