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Publication 1,3-propanediol and polytrimethyleneterephthalate(2019); ; 1,3-Propanediol (PDO) is an appealing chemical for use in the production of new types of polymers such as polytrimethyleneterephthalate (PTT). In particular, the recent successful replacement of chemical routes for PDO production by a biological process makes PDO a prominent green chemical from renewable materials. This chapter first briefly describes the properties, uses, and production methods of PDO and PTT. Emphases are then laid on describing the biotechnological production of PDO in more detail, ranging from substrates, microorganisms, metabolic pathway engineering to fermentation processes and downstream processing. The different fermentation processes and downstream processing methods are compared, in terms of both technology and economy. It is evident that not only the glucose-based bioprocess, but also the bioconversion of glycerol into PDO is technologically and economically sound. Especially, a new biorefinery concept using a microbial community for glycerol bioconversion into PDO and bioenergy is illustrated which is attractive due to its simplicity and very low production costs. Perspectives and further research needs to this end are discussed.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1016/B978-0-444-64046-8.00164-6252 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 73 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A framework for analyzing technology ecosystems – adopting insight from biologyTechnology Ecosystems perspective has become a preferred approach to analyze complex interactions and integrate several domains like Technology Management, Innovation Management and Strategy. However, our understanding of ecosystems in management continues to remain limited. Management literature frequently speaks about ecosystems only in terms of a ‘complex system’ and highlights interactions without further differentiation. Enriching this perspective, we propose to adopt insights from biology, which has developed a far more detailed taxonomy for studying ecosystems. Transferring these insights can help management scholars gain a more nuanced understanding. Applying this ‘bridging’ idea to link the ‘management ecosystem’ perspective and ‘behavioral ecosystems’, this paper seeks to increase our understanding in multiple ways: (1) We refine our understanding of ecosystems with an aligned taxonomy; (2) We disentangle the relationships among different ecosystem layers, actors, and technologies; and (3) We provide an instrument to advance management research and structure future research on sustainable technology adoption and diffusion. We provide a taxonomy that differentiates dynamic, co-evolving technologies in co-evolving industry ecosystems.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-27241-8_2069 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A framework for dynamic simulation of interconnected solids processes(2020-06-21); ;Buchholz, Moritz; The application of flowsheet models to dynamic solids processes pose significant challenges, especially regarding the handling of the inherent multidimensionality of granular material properties, like particle size, shape and porosity distributions. The novel open-source flowsheet simulation framework Dyssol deals with this by applying an approach based on transformation matrices, which allows for the tracking of temporal changes in the multi-dimensional distributed parameters of the granular materials. The modelling system utilizes the sequential-modular approach in combination with partitioning and tearing methods as well as the waveform relaxation method for increased modelling flexibility while offering high computational performance. Dyssol includes an extensive and expandable model library for various unit operations in process engineering, that in turn may be calculated by user-defined solver units from a distinct library. To enhance the computational performance, the user may choose from different convergence and extrapolation methods. Material properties are defined in an extendable material database. Various case studies show robust stability and high convergence rates. The application of a global optimization algorithm shows promising results for the operational parameter adjustment in case of transient system behaviour. A concept of applying artificial neural networks to extend the scope of dynamic flowsheet simulation systems is proposed.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-45168-4_17110 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 103 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Robust Berth Allocation Optimization Procedure Based on Machine Learning(2021) ;Kolley, Lorenz ;Rückert, NicolasIn berth allocation planning, container vessels are to be assigned to berthing locations and times at the quay of a container terminal. Terminal operators often aim to provide the best possible service quality to the shipping companies, i.e. especially short waiting times. However, the actual arrival times of vessels are uncertain due to external influences, e.g. wind and current or technical defects, which impedes the planning and may lead to conflicts with respect to scheduled berths. In this work, Machine Learning techniques are applied to enable the determination of patterns in AIS data and hence to develop forecasts of the arrival times. Moreover, with a robust optimization approach based on Dynamic Time Buffers, uncertainty is proactively considered in the planning phase, resulting in a robust berthing schedule. The results of this new approach are evaluated from an ex post perspective using real ship data and actual ship arrival times. It is shown by a numerical study that the average number of conflicts can be reduced significantly by this approach and that the new concept improves the schedules’ robustness.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-85843-8_7144 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A self-validating method for solving linear programming problems with interval input dataA Self-Validating Method for Solving Linear Programming Problems with Interval input Data. Linear programming problems are very important in many practical applications. They are usually solved by the simplex method. The computational results are, in general, good approximations to the solution of the problem. However, in some cases the computed approximation may be wrong due to round-off and cancellation errors. In practice it occurs frequently that the input data of a linear programming problem are not known exactly but are afflicted with tolerances. In this case it has to be precisely defined what a “solution” to such a problem is. A sensitivity or postoptimality analysis is necessary. In the following a method for linear programming problems with interval input data is described which computes guaranteed lower and upper bounds for all optimal vertices and the optimal value. The method controls rigorously all round-off errors and gives an automatic sensitivity analysis. As an example a diet problem is treated to demonstrate how the method in principle works. © Springer-Verlag/Wien 1988Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-7091-6957-5_447 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Accidential und User Entrepreneurship(Schäffer-Poeschel, 2020-04)Ebbing, TobiasUser Entrepreneurship beschreibt die unternehmerische Aktivität derer, die Produkte und Dienstleistungen aus eigenem Nutzungsbedürfnis heraus entwickelt haben und anschließend deren Vermarktung selbst übernehmen. Der Prozess des User Entrepreneurships unterscheidet sich von dem des traditionellen Entrepreneurships hauptsächlich durch die Motivation, die der Produktentwicklung und Firmengründung vorangeht. Die besondere Bedeutung der Innovationsaktivität von Nutzern wurde in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten umfangreich erforscht (von Hippel 1988, 2005). Dass von Usern entwickelte Produkte auch oft herausragende kommerzielle Ergebnisse erzielen, verschafft dem darauf häufig folgenden Phänomen des User Entrepreneurships besondere Bedeutung (Shah & Tripsas 2007; Shah et al. 2012). Im folgenden Artikel wird dies näher beleuchtet und Vorschläge zur weiteren Förderung und Erforschung werden formuliert.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.34156/978379104473688 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Accuracy of Marker Tracking on an Optical See-Through Head Mounted Display(Springer Vieweg, 2020) ;Brand, Michael; ; This work assesses the accuracy of mono and stereo vision-based marker tracking on the Microsoft HoloLens as a representative of current generation AR devices. This is motivated by the need to employ object tracking in industrial AR applications. We integrate mono and stereo vision-based marker tracking with the HoloLens. A calibration procedure is developed that allows users to assess the accuracy of the calibration alignments by walking around the virtual calibration target. This can be generally applied when calibrating additional tracking systems with ready-made AR systems. Finally, the accuracy that can be achieved with the developed system is evaluated (comparing the influence of different parameters).Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-61755-7_3139 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Active vibration control of a three degree of freedom oscillator using two eccentrically rotating masses© Springer International Publishing AG 2018. An active mass damper utilizing rotating masses to damp the vibrations of an oscillator with two translational degrees of freedom in a horizontal plane and one rotational degree of freedom about a vertical axis is presented along with a corresponding closed-loop control algorithm. The damper consists of two masses rotating about a single vertical axis, powered by two actuators. In a preferred mode of operation, these masses rotate with a nearly constant and equal angular velocity in opposite directions, thus producing a harmonic control force in a single horizontal direction. By varying the relative angular position of the rotating masses, this control force can be directed in an arbitrary direction and used to damp the translational motion. In previous research, a control algorithm was derived for this purpose. The rotational degree of freedom can additionally be controlled by producing a moment by imposing angular accelerations on the rotating masses. In this paper, the previous control algorithm is augmented such that the rotational degree of freedom is additionally controlled. The augmented control algorithm is verified with help of numerical simulations.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-67443-8_52171 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Adaptive Integration of Cut Finite Elements and Cells for Nonlinear Structural Analysis(2020); Fictitious domain methods facilitate the discretization of boundary value problems by applying simple meshes containing finite elements or cells that do not conform to the geometry of the domain of interest. In this way, the effort of meshing complex domains is shifted to the numerical integration of those elements/cells that are cut by the boundary of the domain. In this chapter, we will first introduce a high-order fictitious domain method and then present adaptive methods that are suited for the numerical integration of broken elements and cells. Since the quadrature schemes presented in this chapter are quite general, they can be applied to the different versions of fictitious domain methods.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-37518-8_2129 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Advanced Process and Control Strategies for Bioreactors(2017); ; ; Bioreactor processes have to provide an almost optimal environment to microorganisms or cells to promote growth and product formation. The design and operation of a bioreactor as the main element of fermentation is a complex task, not only with respect to a reactor's configuration and size but to the control and mode of operation. In this chapter, some fundamentals are discussed, including process and control strategies and concepts for process development. Next, examples for the use of model-based concepts for the design of experiments, feeding strategies, seed train layout, and control strategies, including simulation tools supporting biotechnological training and education, are shown.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1016/B978-0-444-63663-8.00016-1115 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Advances in Characterization of Industrial Bioreactors for Cell Culture Process(Springer International Publishing, 2023) ;Fitschen, Jürgen; ; ;Haase, Ingrid; Aerated stirred tank reactors are widely used in the biopharmaceutical industry for cell culture applications due to their flexibility and broad range of uses. This book chapter provides an overview of the main characterization methods for aerated stirred tank reactors in the context of cell culture processes. The methods described include mechanical power input, volumetric mass transfer, flow field, and mixing characterization. Examples are given using stirred tank reactors of different scales, ranging from a 3 L laboratory scale to a 15,000 L industrial scale. The chapter also discusses recent developments in the use of mobile, encapsulated sensors known as Lagrangian Sensor Particles (LSP) for continuous data collection and transmission throughout the entire reactor volume, providing insights from the perspective of cells during a cell culture process. Additionally, the state-of-the-art in numerical flow simulation is discussed, using aerated stirred tank reactors as an example to illustrate the challenges and opportunities offered by numerical flow simulation. It is highlighted that the methods described are specifically focused on cell culture applications, which have lower specific power inputs and aeration rates compared to other types of applications such as microbial fermentations or chemical reactions. The chapter also provides a brief overview of the fundamentals of aerated stirred tank reactors, including their design and components, and emphasizes the importance of equipment characterization for successful process transfer and scale-up in cell culture processes.Publication Type: Book partPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-45669-5_317 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Advances in mathematical modeling of supercritical extraction processesA new trend in mathematical modeling of supercritical extraction process from plant material is presented.The most of the previously published models considered properties of the fixed bed of plant material during the extraction to be constant. This assumption might be quite true in the case of plant materials with relatively low quantity of extractables. However, the fixed bed property change may occur in the case of extraction from material with high quantities of extractables. Recently, mathematical model which took into account particle density, bed porosity and particle diameter as variables was derived. In this chapter, the model is further improved by introducing variable solubility of the extract in supercritical fluid. On the basis of new experimental results on the binary equilibrium of the system supercritical fluid - extract present in solid, a relationship between solubility in supercritical fluid and oil content in solid was established. The new model was derived which took into account particle density, bed porosity, particle diameter and solubility in supercritical fluid as variables. The model was verified on results from experiments in which the kintecis of supercritical extraction from rapseed was analyzed. Parameters of the model showed expected behaviour with respect to the change of particle size. Further analysis, shown in this chapter, showed that, if the dependency of solubility from the concentration in the solid phase is not accounted for, the model tends to overestimate the yield of the extraction.The new model is so far, the most realistic model and one of the most demanding models regarding experimental work and mathematical tools for the description of mass transfer in fixed beds.Publication Type: Book Part829 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 21 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Aktuelle Ansätze in der Entwicklung und Auslegung von Leichtbaustrukturen(Springer Vieweg, 2020-11); ; ; ; In diesem Kapitel werden die innovativen und methodischen Ansätze in der Entwicklung von Leichtbaustrukturen am PKT vorgestellt. Es ist eng mit dem Anwendungsfeld Luftfahrt verbunden, das in Kap. 9 Neue Trends in der Flugzeugkabinenentwicklung vorgestellt wird.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-62393-0_6103 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Aktuelle Ansätze in der MethodenforschungIn der Erforschung von Produktentwicklungsmethoden spielt die Entwicklung von Methoden und Ansätzen zur Unterstützung für MethodenentwicklerInnen eine wesentliche Rolle.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-62393-0_289 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ)(2017-08-09) ;Pechstein, Jan; ; The conversion routes for kerosene produced from biogenic alcohols are referred typically to as "Alcohol-to-Jet"-processes (AtJ). The required alcohols can be obtained via different bio-chemical and/or thermo-chemical routes from organic matter. Since both sugary and starchy biomass (with established technology) as well as lignocellulosic biomass and organic waste (with future technology) may be converted into a sugar or alcohol dilution, Alcohol-to-Jet-processes (AtJ) potentially access a broad feedstock base for future aviation biofuel supply1. Thus within this contribution firstly the various methods of alcohol production are described in detail. Then further processing of the alcohol to liquid hydrocarbon fuels is explained. Besides the "classical" bioethanol production which is globally established at industrial scale also "innovative" processes (e.g. bio-chemical production of butanol, thermo-chemical synthesis of methanol) are discussed. Thereafter, the status of the technical implementation of these various processes is presented. Finally, the main findings are summarized.Publication Type: Book PartPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-53065-8_21158 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 32 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Algorithms for verified inclusions: theory and practice(1988)In the following basic principles of algorithms computing guaranteed bounds are developed from a theoretical and a practical point of view. Some fundamental theoretical facts are repeated where, for more detailed information, the reader is referred to the literature (...) Furthermore practical aspects are discussed, especially how the process of computing a guaranteed result really works performed by means of checking assumptions of mathematical theorems. This checking process is performed automatically. The various steps from the mathematical theorem down to the practical verification are described in detail. In contrast, standard floating-point algorithms usually deliver good approximations to the solution of a given numerical problem but there is neither a verification or a solution to the given problem actually exist. There are simple examples where the floating-point approximation is drstically wrong. A programming environment has been developed which allows to specify commands to the computer in mathematical notation. Because the system (preliminary name CALCULUS) works interactively, no type specification is necessary at all allowing specifying algorithms like in a math book. CALCULUS works right now on IBM System /370 machines under VM operating system. It is planned to have a C version for IBM System/2, SUN work stations and others available early next year. Some examples demonstrating the system are presented.Publication Type: Book Part1850 1055