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Publication Additives as fuel-oriented particulate matter (PM) mitigation measure for small-scale wood chip combustion(2020-01-22); ; The complete thermo-chemical conversion of solid biogenic fuels (e.g., wood chips, wood pellets) is associated with unavoidable release of (inorganic) particulate matter (PM) emissions; this is especially a challenge in small-scale combustion appliances. In this context, the utilization of so-called additives is a promising, fuel-oriented PM mitigation measure. During combustion, suitable additives lead to a temperature-stable integration of the main PM-forming elements (e.g., potassium) from the biomass in the bottom ash.Publication Type: Conference Poster28 22 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Chemical Recycling of Polylactic Acid (PLA)(2023-06-12) ;Kehili, Mouna; ; The climate change and the shortage of petroleum resources are two critical global issues that have led to an increased focus on sustainability, circular economy, and the use of renewable resources. Bioplastics, such as poly(lactic acid/lactide) (PLA), which are derived from agricultural resources, have emerged as a potential carbon neutral solution to these challenges. Moreover, one promising approach is the chemical recycling of PLA, closing the loop of its circular economy by using PLA-wastes as a feedstock for new and high-quality plastic products. Within the framework of this Call-for-Transfer project the potential of chemical recycling of PLA and its scale-up were investigated.Publication Type: Conference Poster119 67 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Design of a highly accurate low-cost thermistor-based sensor for the measurement of water surface temperatures in maritime researchIn climate and oceanographic research, precise temperature measurements within the very limited temperature range of the ocean are essential. This paper covers the design and analysis of a temperature sensor that measures with millikelvin accuracy. The first prototype has an energy consumption of 84.64 mWs with a sampling time of 10 seconds per measurement and a component cost of less than 100 EUR. The proposed design is able to measure within 6 mK accuracy on a subset measurement range despite a simple three-point calibration. The core circuit is enhanced with two temperature sensing elements to allow for an increase in sensor sensitivity. A further approach on sensor readout is proposed and analyzed, showing good potential in combination with linearized temperature compensation for the major part of this sensors range.Publication Type: Conference PosterPublisher DOI:10.5162/sensoren2024/p0723 13 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Die DNA der Straße - Straßenkonzepte als Ausgangspunkt einer umfassenden Straßenraumbetrachtung(2024-06-11); The understanding of streets strongly depends on what is considered a "typical street". Street concepts can contain different ideas and have the potential to expand our understanding of streets, but also to integrate new functions into street spaces. These can help to deal with the challenges posed by climate change, pandemics or simply the lack of open spaces for recreation or physical activity in residential areas. An important prerequisite is to change the current division of street space for different uses, which is a frequent cause of conflict. Most of these are related to the car and its increased need for space in the form of lanes and parking spaces, which blocks the integration of other forms of mobility and street uses. There are frequent calls for a fair distribution of road space (Nello-Deakin 2019), which cannot be defined absolutely and unambiguously due to the very different functions, characteristics and space requirements of the individual uses and the different possible approaches to this issue (Creutzig et al. 2020). Nevertheless, reducing the amount of space required by private vehicle traffic is a basic prerequisite for opening up development areas and redesigning streetscapes. With regard to existing roads that have the characteristics of liveable and climate-adapted roads, however, the question also arises as to how much these differ from roads with traffic prioritization in terms of space requirements, uses and climate-relevant design features and whether different redesign strategies are available for different types of roads in order to ensure their functionality in the future. On the basis of a literature review (Meyer 2024) on road concepts, their objectives and measures are highlighted and, with the help of public geodata, a pre-selection of road sections in the Hamburg context is made that can be characterized as climate-adapted and liveable in terms of their quantitatively measurable features. The selected road sections will be further examined for specific features and their character in terms of their affiliation to the corresponding road concepts by means of inspections, photo documentation and local design features. They are then contrasted with the street spaces focused on motorized private transport in order to work out the differences in terms of area and measures, which, based on different street types, enable explicit possibilities for improvement under different spatial-functional conditions. A proposal is made for the classification of the concept of fair road space distribution as a parameter for road space design in climate, mobility and social change, taking into account the respective space requirements for the case study of Hamburg. Finally, it is discussed whether and to what extent a modular system with individual building blocks to be fulfilled for each application ("street DNA") could be a practicable alternative concept.Publication Type: Conference Poster43 29 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Effects of microplastics on temperature profiles inside porous media during evaporationThe increase in plastic production is expected to exacerbate plastic waste disposal in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil represents a large reservoir for plastic wastes. Once disposed into the soil, plastic wastes interact with soil particles and biota and affect chemical, physical, and biological processes in soil (Jannesarahmadi et al., 2023). Microplastics (MPs) with distinct thermal and radiative properties and filling characteristics can alter energy partitioning over the surface of drying porous media and thus subsurface thermal regimes. The present study aims to quantify impacts of MPs on latent heat loss and temperature dynamics in drying sandy media. We conducted a series of evaporation experiments on sand columns (height: 20 cm – diameter: 8 cm) with grain size ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 mm and density of 2.65 g/cm³. Two types of microplastics with different characteristics and concentrations were used: Polyethylene (PE) with 34 to 50 μm particles and density of 0.94 g/cm³ and Polyvinylchloride (PVC) with particles ranging from 80 to 200 μm and density of 1.4 g/cm³. Mass loss rates from sand samples with different concentrations of MPs (i.e., 0.5, 2, and 5%) were compared with drying rates of the sand column without MPs serving as a reference. An array of thermocouples continuously measured vertical temperature profile in drying sand columns subjected to different wind and radiative boundary conditions. Airflow was generated by an adjustable fan and shortwave radiation flux was mimicked using halogen lamps with different intensities. Our preliminary results show that the presence of MPs with different characteristics alter evaporative loss and vertical temperature profiles in drying sand samples with the surface accumulation of PE particles (with lower density relative to water) influencing the thermal and radiative properties at the surface of drying porous media. The study provides new insights into the impact of MPs on energy partitioning dynamics over drying terrestrial surfaces and subsurface thermal regimes that could potentially affect various hydrological and biological processes in soil.Publication Type: Conference Poster8 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication ELMOD - Simulation und Analyse der hydrologischen und morphologischen Entwicklung der Tideelbe für den Zeitraum 2013 bis 2018(Markus Witt @ 2. BfG/BAW Kolloquium „Ästuare ‒ Aktuelle Themen aus Gewässerökologie und Wasserbau“, 2023-05-24); ; ; Between 2013 and 2018, striking hydrological and morphological changes were observed in the Tidal Elbe, in particular an unusually strong increase in tidal range, turbidity and sedimentation rates. The latter led to increased maintenance dredging, which, however, represents a major economic and ecological burden. Reasons for the described changes are seen in morphological changes in the mouth of the estuary, persistently low headwater discharges and insufficiently adapted sediment management (Weilbeer et al. 2021). The numerical models currently used cannot adequately represent these developments. In particular, the complex behaviour of cohesive sediments in the heavily anthropogenically influenced river sections such as the port of Hamburg poses a major challenge. The joint project ELMOD is conducted to improve the predictive capability of numerical models and to improve the understanding of estuarine sediment transport in general. For this purpose, the changes observed in the Tidal Elbe in the period 2013-2018 are analysed by means of hindcast studies and the model approaches used are extended on the basis of natural measurements and laboratory investigations. The partners involved are the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW, model application), the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBW, development of model approaches) and the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH, field measurements and laboratory investigations).Publication Type: Conference Poster83 47 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Enabling Secure Communication for Cyber-Physical Processes in Critical Infrastructures(2023-10); Machine-to-machine communication over wireless networks is increasingly adopted to improve service and maintenance processes at airports, ports, and manufacturing plants. This brings with it the challenge of how to bootstrap a secure communication channel between the machines involved. Building on the idea of secure device pairing we research novel schemes for key establishment that exploit the proximity of the machines, the physical presence of a human or robotic operator, and/or the physical characteristics of the process. This approach allows us to engineer for post-quantum resistance as well as resilience against multi-instance attacks. To meet current safety and security norms we also provide the methodology to formally capture and verify the corresponding requirements.Publication Type: Conference Poster34 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Fare accessibility : an indicator for public transport affordability(2023-09) ;Martin, FranziskaConference poster summarising a comparison of fare accessibility in the metropolitan regions of Hamburg (hvv) and Helsinki (HSL)Publication Type: Conference Poster48 37 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Fehlvorstellungen über Schleifen beim Lesen von Code(2023); Programmieren ist eine Fähigkeit, die in allen MINT-Bereichen immer wichtiger wird. Schleifen sind ein Grundbaustein des Programmierens und stellen Studierende immer wieder vor große Hürden. Mit verschiedenen Aufgaben haben wir die Vorstellungen der Studierenden von Schleifen abgefragt. In diesen Aufgaben mussten die Studierenden kleine Programme lesen, deren Ausgabe aufschreiben und in Worten beschreiben, was passiert, während die Programme ausgeführt werden. Die Programme enthielten einfache, unabhängig verschachtelte und abhängig verschachtelte Schleifen. Unsere Untersuchung wurde in zwei verschiedenen Vorlesungen mit unterschiedlichen Dozierenden und Programmiersprachen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass viele Studierende die Reihenfolge der Ausführung einzelner Programmschritte nicht richtig erkannten, das Konzept der Verschachtelung nicht verstanden hatten oder Schwierigkeiten hatten, Programmstatements als innerhalb oder außerhalb einer Schleife stehend zu erkennen. Die gefundenen Schwierigkeiten und potentiell zugrundeliegende Fehlvorstellungen sollen in unserem eingereichten Poster präsentiert werden.Publication Type: Conference Poster27 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Field measurements and lab investigations to determine soil exchange characteristics for sediments from the Weser estuary(2021-09-13); ; ; Sedimentation of fine grained sediments is a natural physical phenomenon influenced by bio-geochemical processes which occurs in rivers, channels and estuaries. The deepening of waterways in estuaries to enhance the navigability intensifies this effect. Even in the centre of the channel, where high flow velocities favour sediment transport and erosion, net sedimentation and accumulation occurs. Maintenance dredging is the main method to maintain the navigational channel which requires large financial investments and has potential negative impacts on the environment as well. The research project FAUST (For an improved understanding of estuarine sediment transport) addresses the challenge of net sedimentation and accumulation by investigating the transport properties of sediments in field (primarily in the Weser estuary) and in laboratory studies to advance the development of large scale 3D morphodynamic-numerical models. The conceptual design of the project FAUST has been presented in Patzke et al. (2019). Here we focus on erodibility experiments using a gust erosion microcosm system.Publication Type: Conference Poster62 31 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Global scale estimation of evaporative losses from large lakes located in different climatic zones(European Geosciences Union GmbH, 2023-04); ; ; Reliable projection of evaporative fluxes from lakes is at the core of a wide range of hydrological, climatological, and environmental modeling processes. Evaporation results in losses of blue water from lakes in regions with limited freshwater resources and affects aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity. While current estimates of evaporative losses from lakes remain largely empirical depending on locally calibrated heat and mass transfer coefficients or remotely sensed surface temperature data, we propose a physically-based framework that builds on inherent lake characteristics (e.g., bathymetry, light attenuation characteristics) and atmospheric forcing variables to quantify energy dynamics of the water body and surface evaporative fluxes from the largest lakes across different climatic zones on a global scale. To evaluate the performance of the model, the modelling results determining the seasonal variation of vertical temperature profiles and latent heat loss were compared with in situ measurements of water temperature and surface heat fluxes measured in Lake Mead, in the Southwestern USA. We found good agreements between the physically-based estimations and the measured data. We then quantified evaporative losses from 30 lakes in 30 different climate zone sub-types with an average depth ranging from 1.1 m to 577 m and a surface area of 45 km² to 82,000 km². Our preliminary findings for 2020 indicate that variation of first-order atmospheric parameters (i.e., wind, radiation, air temperature, and humidity) across climatic zones and the change in lake bathymetry altering local vertical temperature profiles within the water body significantly affect evaporative losses. The energy-constrained model enables quantifying the extent of evaporative water losses from lakes and provides a theoretical basis for delineating potential impacts on water management and ecological and climatological processes under different climate change scenarios.Publication Type: Conference Poster10 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Intelligente Reaktoren für die Verfahrenstechnik – SMART Reactors(2020-08-28); Sowohl der Wandel der Rohstoffbasis als auch die Umstellung auf erneuerbare Energien erfordern Verfahren, mit denen schnell auf sich ändernde Rahmenbedingungen in einem globalisierten Markt reagiert werden kann. Diese Anforderungen an moderne Verfahren erfordern ein radikales Umdenken bei der Auslegung und dem Betrieb von Reaktoren für biotechnologische, pharmazeutische und chemische Produkte. Künftig zählt weniger die ,,Economy of Scale‘‘ als vielmehr die Fle-bilität der Prozesse. Die Reaktoren der Zukunft müssen ,,SMART‘‘ sein: Sustainable, Multipurpose, Artificial Intelligent, Resilient, Transferable. Um jedoch bei suboptimalem Prozessverhalten direkt und gezielt eingreifen zukönnen, sind schnelle, hochauflösendeund nichtinvasive Messtechniken, maßstabsübergreifende Modelle und Simulationsverfahren sowie intelligente Regelungsmechanismen erforderlich, die unmittelbar im Reaktor wirken. Durch den Einsatz responsiver Materialien in Kombination mit additiven Fertigungstechnologien können mittels selbstverformbarer Strukturen künftig Reaktoren geschaffen werden, die sich selbstständig anpassen, um immer und überall eine optimale Reaktionsumgebung für deutlich höhere Ausbeuten und Selektivitäten chemischer und biochemischer Reaktionen zu schaffen. Diese Vision wird näher erläutert und vorgestellt, wie die Hamburger Verfahrenstechnik dieses Ziel künftig erreichen möchte.Publication Type: Conference PosterPublisher DOI:10.1002/cite.2020554772 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Investigating the Requirements of Automated Vehicles for Port-internal Logistics of Containers(2022) ;Rose, Hendrik Wilhelm; ; ; With its potential of increasing economic efficiency, safety and process reliability automated driving offers substantial benefits for road freight logistics. Limited by technical and regulatory hurdles, first use cases of automated driving in logistics are in pilot testing stage on private areas or include traffic scenarios with fixed, foreseeable environmental conditions. These conditions partially exist in seaports. This article addresses the feasibility and specific requirements of automated trucks when implemented in seaport systems. A hybrid study consisting of a semi-structured interview survey and an extended project review is conducted to analyze the applicability of fully automated vehicles for the transportation of containers in port areas and its resulting requirements. Firstly, a review of currently existing automated road freight projects and their findings about container transportation is given. Secondly, port-related requirements for automated road freight transportation are derived as a result of the interview survey. The authors find main requirements in the technical feasibility, the operation of the vehicles as well as the organizational and process integration into the port system.Publication Type: Conference PosterPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-05359-7_1588 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Measurement and comparison of settling velocities of cohesive sediments from the German estuaries Weser and Ems(Justus Patzke @ Intercoh2023, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, 2023-09-18); ; ; ; Settling and sedimentation of fine-grained sediments is a physical phenomenon influenced by bio-geochemical processes that occurs in natural water bodies such as rivers, channels and estuaries. Of particular concern are estuaries maintained for navigation. The deepening of waterways to improve the navigability for ever larger container ships has the potential to intensify sedimentation and the accumulation of cohesive sediments, particularly within the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM). For example, significant net sedimentation and accumulation are observed in the ETM of the Weser estuary even in the centre of the navigational channel, where high flow velocities favour sediment transport and erosion. Dredging is the main method of maintaining a channel, which requires large financial investment and also has potential negative environmental impacts. In engineering practice, numerical modelling of the ETM and accumulation zones is an important tool to improve channel maintenance. Knowledge of site-specific information on settling velocities is therefore essential, as underlying processes cannot be simulated universally valid yet and require sufficient local parametrisation. The research project FAUST (For An improved Understanding of estuarine Sediment Transport) addressed the challenge of net sedimentation and accumulation in the navigational channel by investigating the transport properties of cohesive sediments (mainly from the Weser estuary) in field and in laboratory studies. The conceptual design of the project FAUST has been presented in Patzke et al. (2019). Research on sediment erodibility, sediment fractions and density profiles has been published recently (Patzke et al. 2021; Patzke et al. 2022). The follow-up project ELMOD (Simulation and analysis of the hydrological and morphological development of the Tidal Elbe for the period from 2013 to 2018) focuses on sediment transport processes in the Elbe estuary. The findings and derived model parameterisations of the projects contribute to the development of large-scale 3D morphodynamical-numerical models. In this submission, laboratory-derived effective settling velocities of natural cohesive sediments from two German estuaries are examined.Publication Type: Conference Poster102 36 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Measuring detailed vertical density profiles in cohesive sediment layers : a comparison of techniques(Markus Witt @ Intercoh2023, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, 2023-09-18); ; ; The representation of the complex behavior of cohesive sediments in numerical models is a major challenge. To tackle this situation and deepen the understanding of estuarine sediment transport in general, the joint project ELMOD is conducted. Involved partners are the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW, model application), the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBW, development of model approaches) and the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH, field measurements and laboratory investigations). This contribution outlines the conception of the first ship-based measurement campaign in the research project ELMOD which was conducted in the port area of Hamburg. It puts a focus on the in-situ measurements of vertical density- and SSC-profiles with different methods. Additionally, the agreement of the in-situ measured density profiles with the vertical density distribution of sediment cores collected during the same campaign is checked. The utilized devices and techniques deliver very consistent results. The bed-density profiles and especially their gradient are in good agreement for the subsamples of the extracted cores, Admodus USP pro, Rheotune and sediment echosounder, which shows that the extracted sediment cores reflect the natural density profiles to a high degree. The slightly different elevations of the associated densities are seen to be due to small changes in Ship positions. Hach Solitax sc and peristaltic pump (+vacuum filtration) deliver comparable SSC-values in the water column. In the relatively thin bottom layer with rapidly rising sediment concentrations both techniques reach their limits.Publication Type: Conference Poster73 75 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication ORCID integration in DSpace and DSpace-CRIS(2024-06-04)This poster illustrates some functions of the ORCID integration into DSpace and DSpace-CRIS. It also shows, which of those features are supported by which system, including the DSpace-CRIS instance TORE (TUHH Open Research) at Hamburg University of Technology.Publication Type: Conference Poster34 20 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Poster: Development of a Hydrogen Metal Hydride Storage Produced by Additive Manufacturing(2023-07); ; ; Hydrogen as an energy carrier is attributed considerable importance in reduction of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide and transformation of the current economy to a low-carbon one. Production, storage, transportation and application of hydrogen are the key steps in the life cycles of hydrogen. It is desirable to increase the efficiency in any of these steps as well as enhance functionality of the systems. Hydrogen metal hydride storages (HMHS) can be used to store hydrogen at relatively low pressures while being relatively compact in size. Apart from using them for immobile systems they were also found to be beneficial in hydrogen-powered submarines or hydrogen-powered fork lifts. Additive manufacturing (AM) offers great potential for the simple and direct production of complex and functional components made of polymers and metals. Due to the freedom of design, AM offers great innovation potential compared to conventional manufacturing processes. In many cases, component designs that exploit the possibilities of AM show higher technical performance or functionality compared to components manufactured by conventional processes. This work assesses how the freedom of design due to laser powder bed fusion of metals (PBF-LB/M) as an additive manufacturing technique can be utilized for HMHS with better functionality than conventionally manufactured ones. The development of the component design was done using a morphological box. The final design incorporates secondary heat transfer surfaces that are inspired by heat transfer topology optimization. It is made in compact rectangular prism form that is in contrast to conventionally manufactured HMHS which commonly are cylindrical in shape. The design shows great potential for fast loading and customized outer dimensions of the tank to allow for more flexibility in the overall system design.Publication Type: Conference Poster35 22 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Production of biogenic aromatics from lignocellulosic agricultural residues(2023-10-02); ; ; ; Publication Type: Conference Poster43 25 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Recovery of prebiotic carbohydrates from side streams of biorefineries exemplified by fructans and pentosans from bioethanol thin stillage(2023-06-07) ;Zimmermann, AndreasOne of the main challenges in existing biorefineries is the insufficient product diversification. The valorization of side streams, here exemplified by bioethanol stillage, may widen the product portfolio and thereby may improve economic efficiency of bioethanol production plants. Valuable carbohydrates, namely fructans and pentosans, can be found in bioethanol stillage. Fructans are long-chain carbohydrates consisting almost exclusively of fructose monomers (C6-sugars), while pentosans are a group of carbohydrates, mainly built from the C5-sugars arabinose and xylose. Both types of carbohydrates belong to the group of prebiotics making them especially interesting for food and feed applications. Therefore, prebiotics from stillage offer the potential for a provision of value food and feed components besides fuel production. Currently most literature deals with Dried Distiller’s Grains (with solubles) (DDG(S)) in order to obtain proteins or pentosans. However, this side stream has already competitive utilization paths such as animal feed. Against this background, thin stillage is especially interesting as competitive utilizations hardly exist. The main objective of this research project is to develop an integrated process for the production of prebiotic carbohydrates from bioethanol thin stillage. Within this work, a new process concept for the production of prebiotics, in particular pentosans and (partly fructans), is investigated and assessed. Against this background, this work contributes to a holistic utilization of biomass and to the idea of a bioeconomic approach. The results show only small mounts of fructans (about 0.5 %DM) but significant amounts of pentosans to present in thin stillage (about 15 to 20 %DM), mainly allocated in the liquid phase. By means of chemical, biochemical and hydrothermal treatments pentosans from the solid phase can be dissolved as well allowing for their subsequent purification. Based hereon, a promising process pathway for the production of especially pentosans has been identified. However, further research is required for the investigation of such purification step(s).Publication Type: Conference Poster12 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Smart reactors – Surface enhancement for enzyme immobilization on additively manufactured packings(2020-08-28) ;Eixenberger, Daniela; ; ;Dawood, Ayad; Industry 4.0 is proceeding with one of themain technologies being additive manufacturing. This process enables fast andeconomic design of tailor-made structures. For implementation of additively manufactured structures in biocatalytic packed-bed reactors, a packing was designed topromote enhanced heat and mass transferto intensify the process. Still, these packings bear the challenge of low surface area,hence usage as a catalyst carrier is limitedso far. In order to overcome this bottleneck, re-sponsive polymers are investigated as surface enhancers. Surface enlargement is targeted by fixation of polymer brushes. Subsequently, enzymes are immobilizedon these polymers. Besides enlargement,the application of smart polymers intro-duces stimuli responsive behavior – coil-globule transition – as indicated in thefigure. Depending on the polymer, differ-ent triggers are possible, e.g., temperature, pH or substrate/product concentrations. Thus, autonomous process control byregulating the enzymes accessibility isprospective.Publication Type: Conference PosterPublisher DOI:10.1002/cite.20205544611