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Publication 33. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft(GFEU, 2023)Tagungsband zum 33. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft an der TUHH am 05. und 06. September 2023. Themenschwerpunkte der Tagung waren: Abwasserreinigung und Emissionen, Niederschlagswasser und Klimaschutz, Building Information Modeling (BIM), IT Sicherheit und Smart City, Abwasserbehandlung und Emissionen sowie Spurenstoffelimination.Publication Type: Conference Proceedings24 147 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 8. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Sensornetze"(2009) ;Institut für Telematik, Technische Universität Hamburg-HarburgThe 8th expert discussion on sensor networks was held on the 13th and 14th of August, 2009 at Hamburg University of Technology. The goal of this expert meeting is to provide researchers of both university and industry a forum for discussion and exchange. This technical report contains all contributions presented at this meeting.Publication Type: Conference Proceedings3213 3090 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A dynamic topology control algorithm for wireless sensor networksTopology control algorithms (TCAs) are used in wireless sensor networks to reduce interference by carefully choosing communication links. Since the quality of the wireless channel is subject to fluctuations over time TCAs must repeatedly recompute the topology. TCAs ensure quick adjustment to new or deteriorating links while preventing precipitant changes due to transient faults. This paper contributes a novel dynamic TCA that provides a compromise between agility and stability, and constructs connected topologies for low latency routing. Furthermore, it enforces memory restrictions and is of high practical relevance for real sensor network hardware.Publication Type: Conference ProceedingsPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-19662-6_174 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A hybrid model for the 3D computation pile driving noisePiles are the state of the art when mounting offshore constructions to the seafloor, especially for the foundation of wind turbines. During the pile driving process, the pile emits pressure waves directly into the water and the seabed. These waves lead to high underwater noise levels that are potentially harmful to the marine environment. Therefore, several countries have defined limiting values for the noise levels, in order to protect the marine fauna. Noise mitigation systems, such as bubble curtains or mitigation screens, have been developed in order to fulfil these limits. There are several factors influencing the considered noise levels, e.g., the hammer type, the applied hammer energy, the pile geometry, the water depth, the soil type, and the layering of the sediments. All listed factors vary for different piling locations, especially the water depth and sediment characteristics. In order to take all these influences and their interaction into account, numerical models are necessary. An accurate prediction of pile driving noise is often mandatory to check, if noise mitigation systems are needed or to improve the set-up of existing noise reduction measures. Pile driving noise models have been developed by only a few institutions. Most of them are based on a 2D-model for the close vicinity of the pile solved with the finite element method (FEM) and a far-field model for long range predictions. In the current contribution a well validated 2D-FE-model in time domain for the computation of pile driving noise up to distances of 1 km is used. The farfield prediction of noise levels is done by employing the parabolic equations (PE) method, which is also able to take 3D-effects into account. The FE-model for the near-field is split into a precalculation, which computes the interaction of hammer and pile, and the main acoustical model. Within the pre-calculation, all parts of the hammer and the pile are discretized in detail and an excitation signal (e.g. force or velocity) at the pile head is derived. This excitation is used as a boundary condition at the pile head within the main acoustical model, which incorporates pile, water column, and soil. Furthermore, in the model it is possible to consider noise mitigation systems. For the far-field PE computation the split-step Pade technique is used. The necessarý starting field is derived from the results of the FE-model. Within the PE-model, the characteristic acoustical properties of the seabed are incorporated. The PE-model is able to compute 3Deffects, which occur, e.g., due to a varying water depth caused by canyons, shores, or sand dunes. Within this contribution a validation of the hybrid FEM/PE-model for a case with a flat bathymetry is shown. Moreover, the validated case is used to show possible 3D-effects induced by a varying bathymetry. Finally, the influence of a heavily changing bathymetry of a real-life future pile driving scenario is shown.Publication Type: Conference ProceedingsPublisher DOI:10.1109/OCEANSE.2019.8867294252 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Active fluid borne noise reduction for aviation hydraulic systemsThe aviation environment holds challenging application constraints for efficient hydraulic system noise reduction devices. Besides strong limits on component weight and size, high safety and reliability standards demand simple solutions. Hence, b silencers like inline expansion chambers and Helmholtz-Resonators are state-of-the aboard commercial aircrafts. Unfortunately, they do not meet today's noise attenuation aims regarding passenger comfort and equipment durability. Significant attenuation performance is expected from active concepts that generate anti-phase noise However, such concepts remain a long term approach unless related costs, e.g. due to additional power allocation and real-time control equipment can be avoided. In t paper an active fluid borne noise attenuation concept is discussed that accounts for the mentioned constraints. An aircraft hydraulic pump is considered as main noise source The active attenuator is an in-house rotary valve design. The basic feature is a known direct shaft coupling principle of pump and rotary valve, so no speed/ frequency control of the valve and no separate power supply are required. The common-shaft principle further simplified here and proposed as integral feature of future 'smart pumps'.Publication Type: Conference Proceedings7 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Adapting co-simulation techniques to the virtual integration platform VIPERPublication Type: Conference Proceedings5 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Adapting to the future : how digitalization shapes sustainable logistics and resilient supply chain management(epubli, 2021-12-01)This volume contains research contributions by an international group of authors addressing innovative and technology-based approaches for supply chain management. They present business models and investment options for enhanced strategic decision making as well as recent approaches for supply chain analytics and risk management. This volume, edited by Wolfgang Kersten, Christian Ringle and Thorsten Blecker, provides valuable insights into artificial intelligence and digital transformation in Supply Chain Management with regard to: - Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain - Business Analytics - Innovation and Technology Management - Supply Chain Risk and Security ManagementPublication Type: Conference Proceedings515 346 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Adapting to the future : maritime and city logistics in the context of digitalization and sustainability(epubli, 2021-12-01)This volume contains research contributions by an international group of authors addressing innovative and technology-based approaches for logistics and sustainability. They present simulation studies, systems and models for optimizations and digitalized solutions with a focus on maritime as well port and city logistics. This volume, edited by Carlos Jahn, Wolfgang Kersten, and Christian Ringle, provides valuable insights into digital transformation in logistics with regard to: - City Logistics - HICL and Practice - Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Maritime Logistics - Port Logistics - SustainabilityPublication Type: Conference Proceedings326 586 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Advances in service-oriented and cloud computing(Springer, 2018)Publication Type: Conference ProceedingsPublisher DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72125-523 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Analysis of servo-constraints solution approaches for underactuated multibody systems(2018); The servo-constraints approach is an efficient method for computing inverse models of underactuated multibody systems. Underactuated multibody systems possess more degrees of freedom than independent control inputs. The inverse model can be used as a feedforward controller in a two degree of freedom control structure. Servo-constraints constrain the output to a specified trajectory and happend the equations of motion to form a set of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). The resulting DAEs might be of higher differentiation index and are thus difficult to solve numerically. Here, different solution and analysis methods for the servo-constraints approach are compared. Especially, various solvers are analyzed with respect to real-time capability and accuracy.Publication Type: Conference Proceedings111 182 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Artificial intelligence and digital transformation in supply chain management : innovative approaches for supply chains(epubli GmbH, 2019-09-26)This volume contains research contributions by an international group of authors addressing innovative and technology-based approaches for logistics and supply chains. They present business models and investment options for enhanced strategic decision making as well as recent approaches for supply chain analytics and risk management. This volume, edited by Wolfgang Kersten, Thorsten Blecker and Christian Ringle, provides valuable insights into the digitalization of Supply Chain Management and Logistics with regard to: Innovation and Technology Management, Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. Supply Chain Analytics, Risk and Security ManagementPublication Type: Conference Proceedings2446 5192 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis 15 : 04. und 05. März 2024, Hamburg(Institut für Baustatik, Technische Universität Hamburg, 2024)Publication Type: Conference Proceedings322 267 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication BPMT 2019 - Proceedings of the Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration Track at BPM 2019, co-located with 17th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2019 : Vienna, austria, September 1-6, 2019(RWTH Aachen, 2019)The proceedings contain 36 papers. The topics discussed include: cognitive BPM: business process automation and innovation with artificial intelligence; process mining on event graphs: a framework to extensively support projects; process mining as a strategy of inquiry: understanding design interventions and the development of business processes; visualization of environmental performance indicators (EPI) on business process models: a hospitality industry perspective; the role of culture in business process management adoption; ensemble predictive process mining – taking predictive process mining to the next level; business process sketch recognition; compliance to data protection and purpose control using process mining technique; the design and validation of a process data analytics methodology for improving meat and livestock value chains; the business process management game; and action logger: enabling process mining for robotic process automation.Publication Type: Conference Proceedings36 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Challenge-Based Learning als zukunftsorientiertes Lehr- und Lernkonzept?(2021-09-13)Damberg, SvenjaPublication Type: Conference Proceedings75 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Changing tides : the new role of resilience and sustainability in logistics and supply chain management : innovative approaches for the shift to a new era(epubli, 2022-09)This volume contains research contributions by an international group of authors addressing innovative and technology-based approaches for logistics and supply chain management. They present opportunities for enhancing resilience and sustainability as well as recent approaches for supply chain analytics and risk management. This volume, edited by Wolfgang Kersten, Carlos Jahn, Thorsten Blecker and Christian Ringle, provides valuable insights into resilience and sustainability in logistics and supply chain management with regard to: ▪ Innovation and TechnologyManagement ▪ Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain ▪ City Logistics ▪ Maritime Logistics ▪ Supply Chain Risk and Security ManagementPublication Type: Conference Proceedings389 689 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Compact Broadband Filters for Hybrid Circuits using Flip-Chip-Technology(2006-03); ; Publication Type: Conference Proceedings33 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Crack formation in Ultra High Performance Concrete investigated by electron microscopyPublication Type: Conference Proceedings65 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Data science and innovation in supply chain management : how data transforms the value chain(epubli, 2020-09-23)This volume contains research contributions by an international group of authors addressing innovative and technology-based approaches for supply chain management. They present business models and investment options for enhanced strategic decision making as well as recent approaches for supply chain analytics and risk management. This volume, edited by Wolfgang Kersten, Thorsten Blecker and Christian Ringle, provides valuable insights into artificial intelligence and digital transformation in Supply Chain Management with regard to: ▪ Innovation and Technology Management ▪ Advanced Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Blockchain ▪ Supply Chain Analytics and Artificial Intelligence ▪ Risk and Security Management ▪ Platform Economy and innovative Business ModelsPublication Type: Conference Proceedings856 3727 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Data science in maritime and city logistics : data-driven solutions for logistics and sustainability(epubli, 2020-09-23)This volume contains research contributions by an international group of authors addressing innovative and technology-based approaches for logistics and sustainability. They present simulation studies, systems and models for optimizations and digitalized solutions with a focus on maritime as well port and city logistics. This volume, edited by Carlos Jahn, Wolfgang Kersten, and Christian Ringle, provides valuable insights into digital transformation in logistics with regard to: ▪ Maritime Logistics ▪ Port Logistics ▪ City Logistics ▪ Sustainability ▪ Business AnalyticsPublication Type: Conference Proceedings491 1505 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Design for X - Beiträge zum 22. DfX-Symposium Oktober 2011(2011); ; Das Symposium DfX soll in erster Linie jungen Wissenschaftlern die Möglichkeit geben, ihre Ideen vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Wir freuen uns, dass nach erfolgreicher Übergabe des Staffelstabes im vergangenen Jahr von Prof. Harald Meerkamm an uns, Dieter Krause, Sandro Wartzack und mich, das Symposium nicht an Beliebtheit und Bedeutung verloren hat. Mit Bedauern mussten wir auch in diesem Jahr Beiträge aufgrund der beschränkten Kapazität ablehnen. In diesem Jahr liegt ein Schwerpunkt auf der Prozessunterstützung in der Entwicklung. Damit greifen wir ein Thema auf, welches für die Industrie einen sehr hohen Stellenwert für die Erhaltung ihrer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit hat. Als ähnlich bedeutsam erweisen sich Herausforderungen im Kontext der interdisziplinären Produktentwicklung. Methodische Unterstützung hilft hier, unterschiedliche Sichtweisen von Fachdisziplinen auf die Produktgestaltung zu integrieren. Ein weiterer Themenblock beschäftigt sich mit Fragestellungen zum Robust Design. Die Rechnerunterstützung trägt maßgeblich dazu bei, die Produktfunktionalität prozessbegleitend abzusichern.Publication Type: Conference Proceedings1876 2388