Oberst, SebastianSebastianOberstZhang, ZhiZhiZhangCampbell, Graeme MichaelGraeme MichaelCampbellMorlock, MichaelMichaelMorlockLai, Joseph C. S.Joseph C. S.LaiHoffmann, NorbertNorbertHoffmann2020-05-152020-05-152016-08-21International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, INTER-NOISE: 5539-5549 (2016-08-21)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6163Osteoarthritis in hip joints affects patients' quality of life such that often only costly orthopaedic surgeries i.e. total hip arthroplasty (THA) provide relief. Common implant materials are metal alloys, steel or titanium-based, plastics such as ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, or biocompatible alumina and composite ceramics. Hard-on-hard (HoH) bearing articulations, i.e. ceramic-on-ceramic, or hard-on-soft combinations are used. HoH implants have been known to suffer from squeaking, a phenomenon commonly encountered in friction-induced self-excited vibrations. However, the frictional contact mechanics, its dynamics related to impingement, the effect of socket position, stem configuration, bearing size and patient characteristics are poorly understood. This study gives an overview of the state of the art biomechanical research related to squeaking in THA, with a focus on the effects of friction, stability, related wear and lubrication. An analytical model is proposed to study the onset of friction-induced vibrations in a simplified hemispherical hip stem rubbing in its bearing by varying the contact area. Preliminary results of the complex eigenvalue analysis and stick-slip motion analysis indicate that an increased contact fosters the development of instabilities, even at very small values of the friction coefficient owing to large local contact pressures.enBiomechanicsContact conditionsFrictionTowards the understanding of hip squeak in total hip arthroplasty using analytical contact models with uncertaintyConference PaperOther