Spindeldreier, ChristianChristianSpindeldreierUstaoglu, BuseBuseUstaogluKulau, UlfUlfKulauRust, JochenJochenRust2024-02-072024-02-072023-10European Data Handling & Data Processing Conference (EDHPC 2023)https://hdl.handle.net/11420/45563In this paper a comprehensive overview about State-of-the-Art Space-Grade FPGA and SoC-FPGA platforms from AMD, Microchip, NanoXlore and Frontgrade is presented. To this end, a resource-optimized LEON3 soft-core processor system is taken into account as a core design. For evaluation, resource utilization, achievable operating frequency, power consumption as well as radiation performance are taken into account. The results clearly point out the strengths and weaknesses of all space-grade FPGAs selected as well as it helps in the assessment and selection of the optimal candidate for upcoming space applications.enPerformance Evaluation of Space-Grade FPGA ArchitecturesConference Paper10.23919/edhpc59100.2023.10396163Conference Paper