Walk, SteffenSteffenWalkWardle, DavidDavidWardleDeegener, StefanStefanDeegenerKörner, InaInaKörner2020-02-212020-02-212019-09International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Rhodos : 00484 (2019)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/4985A method aiming at improving source-separation performance of household food waste (FW) was investigated in two areas with different socio-economic characteristics in Lübeck, Germany.This included the test of a new FW collection system including the distribution of small collection buckets to each household. In addition, an information event was organized and households were provided with information material includingawaste sorting guide. The study also aimed at assessing the FW avoidance potential. A method for waste composition analysis for FW from households was applied for the assessment. Both areasshowed an increase ofthe source-separation of FW from 17.4% to 60.3% (A, socio-economic lowarea) and from 16.6% to 65.7% (B, socio-economic mediumarea) respectively. Compared to the waste compositionin the bio-waste (BW) bin prior the investigation, macro-impurities (including paperwaste) reduced from around 6.1% to 0.6%(A) and from 13.6% to 1.2% (B). In this respect, the investigated collection system showed a significant improvement to the regular waste collection system.enhttp://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/food wastewaste composition analysiswaste valorizationcircular Economysocio-economic assessmentBiowissenschaften, BiologieIngenieurwissenschaftenImproving the quality and quantity of source-separated household food waste in areas of different socio-economic characteristics: a case study from Lübeck, GermanyConference Paper10.15480/882.2676https://cest2019.gnest.org/sites/default/files/presentation_file_list/cest2019_00484_oral_paper.pdf10.15480/882.2676Other