Jensen, JürgenJürgenJensenFröhle, PeterPeterFröhleDangendorf, SönkeSönkeDangendorfKelln, JessicaJessicaKellnPatzke, JustusJustusPatzke2023-03-312023-03-312022Die Küste 91 (): 175-179 (2022) collaborative project AMSeLBaltic Sea (03KIS0114 & 03KIS0115) was carried out between 2015 and 2018 by the Research Institute for Water and Environment (fwu) at the University of Siegen and the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg. In particular, the investigation concentrated on the research, acquisition, processing and, if necessary, additional digitisation of available sea level data in the Baltic Sea with a focus on the southern and south-western Baltic Sea coast. On the basis of the total available sea level time series with different temporal resolutions, long-term and high-quality monthly time series of the mean sea level (MSL) as well as extreme sea level time series were generated and investigated.de0452-7739Die Küste2022175179Bundesanst. für Wasserbau SeaBaltic Seaextreme eventMSLSea level risestorm high tidestorm surgetide gaugewater levelsGeowissenschaftenIngenieurwissenschaftenLandschaftsgestaltung, RaumplanungAMSeLOstsee : Analyse von hochauflösenden Wasserstandsverläufen und Ermittlung des MSL sowie von Extremwasserständen an der südlichen und südwestlichen OstseeküsteJournal Article10.15480/882.503510.18171/1.09110610.15480/882.5035Other