Janßen, RolfRolfJanßenTravitzky, NahumNahumTravitzkyGreil, PeterPeterGreilClaussen, NilsNilsClaussen2020-06-052020-06-052016-01-15Engineered Ceramics: Current Status and Future Prospects: 261-275 (2016-01-15)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6254Reaction synthesis offers affordable routes to fabricate homogeneous, fine-grained materials with advanced properties suitable for applications at room and elevated temperature. This chapter concentrates on syntheses using metallic aluminum to form alumina-containing composites. Powder metallurgical and casting/infiltration techniques are used with Al reacting in the solid and liquid states. The reaction techniques outlined were analyzed and developed at the Technical University at Hamburg in collaboration with partners outside. The variability potential in view of raw materials, processing parameters, microstructural tailorability, and shaping capability is discussed.enAlumina compositesin situ reactionMetal-ceramic compositesReaction bondingReactive synthesisReaction-Forming of Ceramic Composites Using Metallic AluminumBook Part10.1002/9781119100430.ch14Book Chapter