Domdey, AndreasAndreasDomdeyHafkemeyer, Kristian M.Kristian M.HafkemeyerKrautschneider, WolfgangWolfgangKrautschneiderSchröder, DietmarDietmarSchröder2019-07-172019-07-172008-05-26Advances in Radio Science (6): 205-207 (2008) article presents an automated test system targeting the large-scale analysis of ultra-thin MOS gate dielectric degradation. The system allows for stress tests at elevated temperatures as well as supply voltages and long-term tests of thousands of MOS devices simultaneously. The aim is to build-up large and hence significant statistics about the degradation process as a function of time. © Author(s) 2008.en1684-9973Advances in radio science2008205207Copernicus Publications large-scale reliability analysis of ultra-thin MOS gate dielectrics using an automated test systemJournal Articleurn:nbn:de:gbv:830-882.04385810.15480/882.233210.5194/ars-6-205-200810.15480/882.2332Journal Article