Knopp, TobiasTobiasKnoppThem, KoljaKoljaThemKaul, MichaelMichaelKaulGdaniec, NadineNadineGdaniec2020-09-182020-09-182015-04-21Physics in Medicine and Biology 8 (60): L15 L15-L21 (2015-04-21) focus field is a key component to enable clinical applications in magnetic particle imaging (MPI). Due to physiological constraints, the method of choice is to place the focus of a small acquisition volume at various static positions in space and acquire the full field-of-view using a multi-station approach. In the first experiments, overlapping drive-field patches were used and boundary artifacts between drive-field patches were reduced using image processing. In this work we show that artifact-free reconstruction of non-overlapping focus-field data is feasible by using a joint reconstruction algorithm. This enables maximum scanning efficiency in multi-station focus-field experiments, which is key for reaching sufficiently short acquisition times to image the human heart.en1361-6560Physics in medicine and biology20158L15L21focus fieldimage reconstructionmagnetic particle imagingscan efficiencyJoint reconstruction of non-overlapping magnetic particle imaging focus-field dataJournal Article10.1088/0031-9155/60/8/L1525803656Journal Article