Streckwall, HeinrichHeinrichStreckwallGreitsch, LarsLarsGreitschMüller, JuliaJuliaMüllerScharf, MartinMartinScharfBugalski, TomaszTomaszBugalski2020-11-062020-11-062013Ship Technology Research 2 (60): 58-69 (2013) the European PREFUL project, HSVA reviewed common procedures used to deduce the large-scale propeller efficiency from model test results. Previous outcomes from the project were presented by Streckwall et al. in 2012, where also a newly developed strip method was announced but not described in detail. This paper highlights the features and the performance of this (meanwhile available) strip method. The major issue addressed with the new method is the unique treatment of viscous effects for all scales. This paper discusses how the basics and the outcome of the strip approach compare to model tests and results based on the solution of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS). The influence of the new correction approach on full-scale power predictions is investigated.en2056-7111Ship technology research201325869Institute of Ship Technology and Ocean Engineering, University Duisburg-EssenNumerical simulationsPropeller efficiencyScale effectTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenDevelopment of a strip method proposed as new standard for propeller performance scalingJournal Article10.1179/str.2013.60.2.002Journal Article