Flämig, HeikeHeikeFlämigBeck, KatharinaKatharinaBeckHoffmann, LarsLarsHoffmannTjaden, SandraSandraTjadenHöger, RainerRainerHögerBrandt, LaraLaraBrandtHaase, MarleneMarleneHaaseWolter, MarieMarieWolterMüller, StephanStephanMüllerHettich, GretaGretaHettichSchnücker, GinaGinaSchnücker2025-01-142025-01-142024978-3-95606-780-8https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/53226Within the framework of the research project, a systematisation of suitable non-driving related activities (NDRA) for automated driving (SAE Level 3 and Level 4) of heavy goods vehicles (SYMtastik) will be developed. For this purpose, NDRA are collected, categorised and linked to the criteria relevant for a suitability assessment for automated driving in a catalogue structure. According to §1b of the Road Traffic Act (StVG), vehicle drivers are allowed to turn away from traffic events and vehicle control while driving with highly and fully automated driving functions and can therefore perform NDRA. These NDRA and their systematisation are the subject of research in the SYMtastik project. Within the framework of the project, a catalogue was developed which, in addition to a formal structure and list of possible NDRA in the use case of heavy goods vehicles, contains criteria, which should be taken into account when assessing the suitability of NDRA for performing at SAE Level 3 and Level 4. The catalogue was filled with a selection of 27 NDRA as examples. The excel-based catalogue developed for the suitability assessment of NDRA at SAE Level 3 and Level 4 was based on the structure of a design catalogue according to ROTH (2001). It consists of a structure section, a main section and an access section as well as an appendix in which own comments are possible in addition to the source information for the NDRA. •The structure section categorises NDRA and gives the catalogue user an initial overview of the purpose of each NDRA (economic, economic/private and private) and the area (e.g. benefit accounting, health maintenance) to which the NDRA belongs. •The main section lists the identified NDRA and contains brief descriptions of the NDRA. For better orientation, the NDRA have been arranged along 57 main processes, with a focus on economic activities in the use case of heavy goods vehicles. •The access section consists of four parts and includes a total of 24 columns for the criteria and totals columns for the suitability assessment of NDRA at SAE Level 3 and Level 4. In addition, four columns offer the catalogue user the possibility to provide information on the potential economic benefit. Seven task attributes contain criteria that have been identified as relevant for creating a common understanding of the mostly heterogeneous processes of NDRA. This common understanding is important in order to arrive at similar or, ideally, identical suitability evaluations by several different experts. Of the 15 criteria of the task characteristics, seven need to be assessed by the catalogue user, the remaining eight result automatically on the basis of previously made entries. Among the task characteristics, the seven key criteria, which are directly included in the suitability assessment, are task complexity, strain on working memory, qualification requirements, monotony, overall mental demand/psychological fatigue and sensory-visual and motoric limitation. For the sake of clarity, the key criteria are highlighted with a traffic light. The two suitability assessments of the NDRA at SAE Level 3 and SAE Level 4 result automatically from linking the assessments of the task characteristics according to the stored assumptions and with the help of arithmetic operations. The developed suitability catalogue was kept as generic as possible, while at the same time making sure that a differentiation of the NDRA is ensured in the main section in such a way that an evaluation is possible in the access section. In addition to the criteria to be considered for the standardised suitability assessment, criteria for estimating the economic benefit potential were included to support the identification of possible use cases. In the excel-based catalogue, various aids such as a glossary, drop-down menus, filter functions and a read-me were implemented. The excel-based version makes it possible to restrict the catalogue to selected aspects, e.g. the economic benefit potential of NDRA for logistics service providers, and thus facilitates the applicability of the catalogue.deNon-driving related activity (NDRA)Automated drivingSystematisationSuitability AssessmentSocial Sciences::388: TransportationSystematisierung geeigneter fahrfremder Tätigkeiten für automatisiertes Fahren von schweren GüterkraftfahrzeugenBook10.60850/bericht-f15410.60850/bericht-f154Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (Bast)Book