Eppe, ManfredManfredEppeMaclean, EwenEwenMacleanConfalonieri, RobertoRobertoConfalonieriKutz, OliverOliverKutzSchorlemmer, MarcoMarcoSchorlemmerPlaza, EnricEnricPlaza2022-04-262022-04-262015-0913th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2015)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12374We present a framework for conceptual blending – a concept invention method that is advocated in cognitive science as a fundamental, and uniquely human engine for creative thinking. Herein, we employ the search capabilities of ASP to find commonalities among input concepts as part of the blending process, and we show how our approach fits within a generalised conceptual blending workflow. Specifically, we orchestrate ASP with imperative Python programming, to query external tools for theorem proving and colimit computation. We exemplify our approach with an example of creativity in mathematics.enASP, Amalgamation, and the conceptual blending workflowConference Paper10.1007/978-3-319-23264-5_26Conference Paper