Maydanova, SvetlanaSvetlanaMaydanovaIlin, Igor VasilevichIgor VasilevichIlinKersten, WolfgangWolfgangKerstenJahn, CarlosCarlosJahnWeigell, JürgenJürgenWeigell2021-11-292021-11-292021-02Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 246: 548-554 (2022)978-3-030-81619-3978-3-030-81618-6978-3-030-81620-9 in the container liner shipping industry actively introduce digital technologies, which have a significant impact on all business aspects of a company. New technologies could become drivers for new business models. The digital transformation requires changes of company IT-architectures, cultures, and organizational frameworks. Monitoring and planning digital transformation processes require a method that allows evaluating the changes in the company's IT-architecture in the context of their compliance with the company's strategic goals. The Balanced Scorecard normally is used as a tool for the strategy implementation assessment. This article proposes the Balanced Scorecard application to measure and plan IT-architecture changes, using it as the basis for the company's digital twin. This tool could provide substantial support for global container shipping line digital transformation planning and monitoring. For the purpose of current study, the authors use the multi-level matrix comparing and linking indicators and IT-architecture models of the global container shipping line.enBalanced scorecardContainer shipping lineDigital transformationDigital twinEnterprise architectureSocial Sciences::330: EconomicsBalanced Scorecard as the Basis for Global Container Shipping Line IT-Architecture ModelingConference Paper10.1007/978-3-030-81619-3_62Conference Paper