McBride, AndrewAndrewMcBrideBargmann, SwantjeSwantjeBargmannPond, DamienDamienPondLimbert, GeorgesGeorgesLimbert2018-10-162018-10-162016-07-10Journal of thermal biology Pt B (62): 201-209-209 (2016-12) modelling and computation of the coupled thermal and mechanical response of human skin at finite deformations is considered. The model extends current thermal models to account for thermally- and mechanically-induced deformations. Details of the solution of the highly nonlinear system of governing equations using the finite element method are presented. A representative numerical example illustrates the importance of considering the coupled response for the problem of a rigid, hot indenter in contact with the skin.en1879-0992Journal of thermal biology2016Part B201209Elsevier simulationelasticityfinite element analysishumansmodels, biologicalskin physiological phenomenaskin temperatureTechnikThermoelastic modelling of the skin at finite deformationsJournal Articleurn:nbn:de:gbv:830-8822301310.15480/882.177311420/177610.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.06.01710.15480/882.1773Journal Article