Skorych, VasylVasylSkorychBuchholz, MoritzMoritzBuchholzDosta, MaksymMaksymDostaBaust, Helene KatharinaHelene KatharinaBaustGleiß, MarcoMarcoGleißHaus, JohannesJohannesHausWeis, DominikDominikWeisHammerich, SimonSimonHammerichKiedorf, GregorGregorKiedorfAsprion, NorbertNorbertAsprionNirschl, HermannHermannNirschlKleine Jäger, FrankFrankKleine JägerHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrich2022-10-272022-10-272022-10-20Processes 10 (10): 2140 (2022) production of catalysts such as zeolites is a complex multiscale and multi-step process. Various material properties, such as particle size or moisture content, as well as operating parameters—e.g., temperature or amount and composition of input material flows—significantly affect the outcome of each process step, and hence determine the properties of the final product. Therefore, the design and optimization of such processes is a complex task, which can be greatly facilitated with the help of numerical simulations. This contribution presents a modeling framework for the dynamic flowsheet simulation of a zeolite production sequence consisting of four stages: precipitation in a batch reactor; concentration and washing in a block of centrifuges; formation of droplets and drying in a spray dryer; and burning organic residues in a chain of rotary kilns. Various techniques and methods were used to develop the applied models. For the synthesis in the reactor, a multistage strategy was used, comprising discrete element method simulations, data-driven surrogate modeling, and population balance modeling. The concentration and washing stage consisted of several multicompartment decanter centrifuges alternating with water mixers. The drying is described by a co–current spray dryer model developed by applying a two-dimensional population balance approach. For the rotary kilns, a multi-compartment model was used, which describes the gas–solid reaction in the counter–current solids and gas flows.The production of catalysts such as zeolites is a complex multiscale and multi-step process. Various material properties, such as particle size or moisture content, as well as operating parameters - e.g., temperature or amount and composition of input material flows - significantly affect the outcome of each process step, and hence determine the properties of the final product. Therefore, the design and optimization of such processes is a complex task, which can be greatly facilitated with the help of numerical simulations. This contribution presents a modeling framework for the dynamic flowsheet simulation of a zeolite production sequence consisting of four stages: precipitation in a batch reactor; concentration and washing in a block of centrifuges; formation of droplets and drying in a spray dryer; and burning organic residues in a chain of rotary kilns. Various techniques and methods were used to develop the applied models. For the synthesis in the reactor, a multistage strategy was used, comprising discrete element method simulations, data-driven surrogate modeling, and population balance modeling. The concentration and washing stage consisted of several multicompartment decanter centrifuges alternating with water mixers. The drying is described by a co–current spray dryer model developed by applying a two-dimensional population balance approach. For the rotary kilns, a multi-compartment model was used, which describes the gas–solid reaction in the counter–current solids and gas flows.en2227-9717Processes202210Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute simulationzeolite productiondata-driven modelingsynthesissolid-liquid separationspray dryingkilnmultiscale modelingPhysikTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenTechnische ChemieUse of multiscale data-driven surrogate models for flowsheet simulation of an industrial zeolite production processJournal Article2022-10-2610.15480/882.467210.3390/pr1010214010.15480/882.4672Journal Article