Reissland, TorstenTorstenReisslandLenhart, BjoernBjoernLenhartLichtblau, JohannJohannLichtblauSporer, MichaelMichaelSporerWeigel, RobertRobertWeigelKölpin, AlexanderAlexanderKölpin2020-08-072020-08-072018-11-26European Radar Conference, EuRAD: 8546663 (2018-11-26) paper presents a novel approach for the determination of True-Speed-Over-Ground for trains. Speed determination is accomplished by correlating the received signals of two side-looking radar sensors. The theoretically achievable precision is derived. Test measurements are done to give a prove of concept. The measurements are done in two different scenarios. The test measurements are carried out using a bi-static 24 GHz frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar.encorrelationfmcwradarsartrainvelocityRobust Correlation based True-Speed-over-Ground Measurement System employing a FMCW RadarConference Paper10.23919/EuRAD.2018.8546663Other