Kriegesmann, BenediktBenediktKriegesmann2022-05-162022-05-162015V ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (2015) analysis methods allow predicting the scatter of the structural response due to the scatter of structural properties. Two parameters that can show scatter from the nominal values are the wall thickness and the Young’s moduli of fiber composites structures. In the current paper, different approaches are presented on how to consider the correlation of thickness and material stiffness properties in probabilistic analyses of composite structures. These approaches are applied to the local buckling load of a composite curved stiffened panel.enOn the Correlation of Thickness and Stiffness Properties in Probabilistic AnalysesConference PaperHallett, S. R.S. R.HallettRemmers, J. J. C.J. J. C.RemmersOther