Eppe, ManfredManfredEppeDylla, FrankFrankDylla2022-04-262022-04-262013-025th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12377We propose an approach for single-agent epistemic planning in domains with incomplete knowledge. We argue that on the one hand the integration of epistemic reasoning into planning is useful because it makes the use of sensors more flexible. On the other hand, defining an epistemic problem description is an error prone task as the epistemic effects of actions are more complex than their usual physical effects. We apply the axioms of the Discrete Event Calculus Knowledge Theory (DECKT) as rules to compile simple non-epistemic planning problem descriptions into complex epistemic descriptions. We show how the resulting planning problems are solved by our implemented prototype which is based on Answer Set Programming (ASP).enAction theoryEpistemic reasoningEvent calculusPlanningTowards epistemic planning agentsConference PaperConference Paper