Kabakchiev, HristoHristoKabakchievBehar, VeraVeraBeharGarvanov, IwanIwanGarvanovKabakchieva, DorinaDorinaKabakchievaKabakchiev, AvgustAvgustKabakchievRohling, HermannHermannRohlingBentum, MarcMarcBentumFernandes, JorgeJorgeFernandes2019-05-022019-05-022018-08-2719th International Radar Symposium (IRS): 1-9 (2018-08-27)978-3-7369-9545-1978-1-5386-1269-9978-3-7369-9825-4http://hdl.handle.net/11420/2594Two detection algorithms (heuristic and CFAR) for target detection in pulsar FSR are analyzed using the simulation approach. The simulation results are verified by processing of the experimental data obtained by the radio observatory Dwingeloo in the Netherlands. The simulation and experimental results proved that the CFAR detection algorithm is more effective than the heuristic algorithm and can be successfully used in a pulsar FSR system for protection of air space from unwanted air objects.enTechnology::600: TechnologyComparison of two algorithms for signal detection in pulsarbased FSRConference Paper10.23919/IRS.2018.8448192Conference Paper