Wülbern, Jan HendrikJan HendrikWülbernSchmidt, MarkusMarkusSchmidtEich, ManfredManfredEichHübner, UweUweHübnerBoucher, RichardRichardBoucherMarlow, FrankFrankMarlowVolksen, WilliWilliVolksen2010-08-132010-08-132007Applied physics letter ; vol. 91.2007, 221104633022861http://tubdok.tub.tuhh.de/handle/11420/831In this letter, we report on the experimental observation of a complete in-plane photonic band gap for transverse-electric-like polarized modes in a polymer photonic crystal slab with a triangular array of holes. We performed transmission measurements on two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs in both principal directions of the triangular lattice. For a propagation distance of 40 lattice constants, the transmission was effectively suppressed regardless of propagation direction below −15 dB over a bandwidth of 65 nm. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions obtained from band diagram calculations and finite integration time domain techniques.en0003-6951Applied physics reviews2007http://doku.b.tu-harburg.de/doku/lic_mit_pod.phppolymerphotonic crystalphotonic band gapoptical waveguideOmnidirectional photonic band gap in polymer photonic crystal slabsJournal Article2010-08-13urn:nbn:de:101:1-20150526177210.15480/882.829PolymerePhotonischer KristallDielektrischer WellenleiterLichtwellenleiterOptical constants (including refractive index, complex dielectric constant, absorption, reflection and transmission coefficients,Optical waveguides and couplers (for fiber waveguides and waveguides in integrated optics, see 42.81.Qb and 42.82.EtPhotonic bandgap materials (for photonic crystal lasers, see 42.55.Tv)11420/83110.1063/1.281733110.15480/882.829930768922Other