Peper, StephanieStephaniePeperLübbert, MatthiasMatthiasLübbertJohannsen, MonikaMonikaJohannsenBrunner, GerdGerdBrunner2020-02-042020-02-042002Separation Science and Technology 11 (37): 2545-2566 (2002) continuous separation of R(-)-ibuprofen and S(+)-ibuprofen by supercritical fluid simulated moving bed chromatography has been developed. First, experiments were performed at a low concentration level. Therefore, a starting set of operating parameters was calculated using the "triangle theory," which has been developed in the frame of equilibrium theory. Subsequently, the feed concentration was increased. A dynamic simulation program, based on a plug flow model with axial dispersion and linear mass transfer resistance, was used to predict the effect of operating variables on the process performance. Adsorption isotherms were determined with the elution by a characteristic point method. The experimental results were compared both with the model predictions based on the triangle theory and with the results of simulations.en0149-6395Separation science and technology20021125452566Taylor & FrancisPhysikSeparation of ibuprofen enantiomers by supercritical fluid simulated moving bed chromatographyJournal Article10.1081/SS-120004452Other