Mohr, PhilippPhilippMohrBrüggmann, JasperJasperBrüggmannBauch, GerhardGerhardBauch2025-01-292025-01-292024arXiv 2409.09004 (2024) paper proposes a turbo equalizer for inter-symbol interference channels (ISI) that uses coarsely quantized messages across all receiver components. Lookup tables (LUTs) carry out compression operations designed with the information bottleneck method aiming to maximize relevant mutual informa-tion. The turbo setup consists of an equalizer and a decoder that provide extrinsic information to each other over multiple turbo iterations. We develop simplified LUT structures to incorporate the decoder feedback in the equalizer with significantly reduced complexity. The proposed receiver is optimized for selected ISI channels. A conceptual hardware implementation is developed to compare the area efficiency and error correction performance. A thorough analysis reveals that LUT-based configurations with very coarse quantization can achieve higher area efficiency than conventional equalizers. Moreover, the proposed turbo setups can outperform the respective non-turbo setups regarding area efficiency and error correction capability.en BottleneckTurbo EqualizationCoarse QuantizationIterative AlgorithmsIntersymbol InterferenceTechnology::621: Applied Physics::621.3: Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering::621.38: Electronics, Communications EngineeringTurbo Equalization with Coarse Quantization using the Information Bottleneck MethodPreprint