Murray, AlexanderAlexanderMurrayEngelmann, AlexanderAlexanderEngelmannHagenmeyer, VeitVeitHagenmeyerFaulwasser, TimmTimmFaulwasser2024-03-062024-03-062018IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (28): 368-373 (2018) key aspect of power system operation is the minimization of line losses while maintaining voltages within certain limits. Doing so can be achieved through the use of voltage regulators, tap changing transformers, and shunt capacitors. However, both tap changing transformers and/or shunt capacitors are operated in a discrete manner, i.e. the inputs can only take finitely many discrete values. Thus, the problem of minimizing line losses while maintaining voltage stability can be cast as a mixed-integer optimization problem. For large grids or cases where independent entities have concurrent control of the system, distributed optimization provides a solution. The present paper discusses a hierarchically distributed approach; i.e. the problem is partitioned into local subproblems and solved using a mixed-integer extension of the Augmented Lagrangian based Alternating Direction Inexact Newton (ALADIN) algorithm. We present results for the IEEE 14- and 30-bus systems and compare them with previous approaches, such as particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms.en2405-8963IFAC-PapersOnLine201828368373IFACHierarchical Distributed OptimizationMixed-Integer ProblemsOptimal Power FlowReactive Power DispatchMathematicsNatural Resources, Energy and EnvironmentHierarchical distributed mixed-integer optimization for reactive power dispatchConference Paper10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.730Other