Mayer, NatalieNatalieMayerKaltschmitt, MartinMartinKaltschmitt2023-12-122023-12-122023-06Biobasierte Prozess- und Reaktortechnologien (BioProTec 2023) (P) is one of the most valuable, but also limited nutrients on earth. Thus, measures need to be taken to recycle P for an ongoing use in agriculture. Especially cereal P in the form of phytate is yet hardly used and thus a promising source for P recovery. The respective process hereby developed includes acidic phytate extraction from rye bran, thermal phytate hydrolysis and subsequent phosphate precipitation as e.g. struvite. Optimized conditions were found to recover 97% of initial P from rye bran in crystalline form, however, still containing organic compounds in the product. Purification steps and evaluation of the process yet seek to be implemented.enNatural Resources, Energy and EnvironmentChemistryEngineering and Applied OperationsProcess development for phosphorus recovery from rye branConference Presentation