Ali, MukhtarMukhtarAliAli, AhsanAhsanAliChughtai, Saulat S.Saulat S.ChughtaiWerner, HerbertHerbertWerner2023-02-082023-02-082011-07Proceedings of the American Control Conference : 5991360, 3583-3588 (2011) paper presents an identification technique to consistently identify multi-dimensional systems with additive output colored noise in transfer function representation. The method is an extension of a one-dimensional refined instrumental variable method to multi-dimensional systems. It can be used to identify models for multi-dimensional systems with Box-Jenkins structure; the method may give estimates with minimum bias and variance. In this paper we consider a general multi-dimensional system, which may be separable or non-separable, causal, semi-causal (spatially interconnected systems) or non-causal. Furthermore the algorithm can handle boundary conditions. The effectiveness of the method is shown with application to simulation examples. © 2011 AACC American Automatic Control Council.en0743-1619Proceedings of the American Control Conference201135833588IEEETechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenConsistent identification of spatially interconnected systemsConference Paper10.1109/acc.2011.5991360Other