Riecken, Björn T.Björn T.RieckenDetjen, SönkeSönkeDetjenKaysser, Simon T.Simon T.KaysserKállai, ZsoltZsoltKállaiKarsten, JulianJulianKarstenHoppe, JanJanHoppeKonieczny, TomaszTomaszKoniecznyHoppe, MichaelMichaelHoppeLühring, AndreasAndreasLühringBitomsky, PeterPeterBitomskyKeun, Christian-AndréChristian-AndréKeunSchüppstuhl, ThorstenThorstenSchüppstuhlFiedler, BodoBodoFiedler2024-12-042024-12-042022-11Sampe Europe 978-1-7138-6650-3 1: 88-95 (2024)978-1-7138-6650-3https://hdl.handle.net/11420/52276Fused filament fabrication (FFF) provides an efficient way to produce parts and assemblies over a large spectrum of designs and materials. However, insufficient mechanical strength across interlayer bonding surfaces causes anisotropic properties of the printed parts, which is a major drawback. This problem cannot fully be alleviated by process parameter optimization. Two innovative research approaches are pursued to solve this problem. In the project “HM3D”, the project consortium develops a novel thermoset filament that can be processed on ordinary FFF printers similar to thermoplastic filaments. First trials have shown that the printed parts achieve significant covalent cross-linking across layer interfaces after a thermal curing cycle, thereby potentially eliminating mechanical anisotropy. The project “EpoxySpacePrinter” takes this approach a step further by utilizing a continuous fibre reinforced thermoset filament, which is deposited in a system of two cooperating 6-axis robots, thereby increasing in-plane strength and eliminating the need to deposit the filament within a fixed X-Y-plane. The possibility to extrude the filament also in Z-direction as well as in any other orientation- without support structure or any moulding tool - allows for a load-path compliant part design and structure, thereby enabling real 3D printing in filament based additive manufacturing.enTechnology::600: TechnologyInnovative thermoset materials and additive manufacturing processes to minimiseConference PaperConference Paper