Klein, MarvinMarvinKleinKundisch, DennisDennisKundischStummer, ChristianChristianStummer2022-06-172022-06-172022Handbuch Digitalisierung: 799-813 (2022)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12922Next-generation cryptocurrencies based on distributed ledgertechnology promise feeless value transactions, which may impact existing micropayment business models and make new ones possible. In this paper, we discuss corresponding opportunities and also address challenges as well as respective research perspectives. In a nutshell, business models based on micropayments will get a boost. The direct impact on current micropayment models might be small, but an expansion of product offerings seems likely. Further, it can be expected that individual payments even worth less than a centwill give rise to unprecedented business models. This development supposedly holds true particularly for payments in the machine-to-machine economy—for example, in directly paying for or selling data, energy, or usage.enFeeless micropaymentsBusiness Model InnovationDistributed Ledger TechnologyBlockchainDirected Acyclic GraphIOTAFeeless Micropayments and Their Impact on Business ModelsBook Part10.15358/9783800665631Book Chapter