DiMasi, ElaineElaineDiMasiTostmann, HolgerHolgerTostmannOcko, Benjamin M.Benjamin M.OckoHuber, PatrickPatrickHuberShpyrko, OlegOlegShpyrkoPershan, Peter S.Peter S.PershanDeutsch, MosheMosheDeutsch2022-07-212022-07-211999-11Materials Research Society Symposium, Symposium R 'Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science V'- Proceedings 590: 183-188 (2000-12-03)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/13246We present the first resonant x-ray reflectivity measurements from a liquid surface. The surface structure of the liquid Hg-Au alloy system just beyond the solubility limit of 0.14at% Au in Hg had previously been shown to exhibit a unique surface phase characterized by a low-density surface region with a complicated temperature dependence. In this paper we present reflectivity measurements near the Au LIII edge, for 0.2at% Au in Hg at room temperature. The data are consistent with a concentration of Au in the surface region that can be no larger than about 30at%. These results rule out previous suggestions that pure Au layers segregate at the alloy surface.en1946-4274MRS online proceedings library1999183188MRSPhysikResonant X-ray scattering from the surface of a dilute liquid Hg-Au alloyConference PaperOther