Taefi, Tessa T.Tessa T.TaefiKreutzfeldt, JochenJochenKreutzfeldtFink, AndreasAndreasFink2020-06-092020-06-092016-06International Electric Vehicle Symposium, EVS: (2016-06)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6289The market for battery electric freight vehicles is outperforming the market for battery electric passenger cars in Germany, although it has received much less stimulation by policies. This manuscript aggregates the companies' strategies to successfully employ electric freight vehicles; summarizes and compares policy options to further support successful business models; and discusses whether transition management is a suitable approach to consolidate the existing innovation potential in the intrinsically-driven electric urban freight transport market.enBEV (battery electric vehicle)GermanyIncentivePolicyTruckYielding a treasure: A transition management approach to electric urban freight vehicles in GermanyConference PaperOther