Hellmers, SandraSandraHellmersManojlovic, NatasaNatasaManojlovicPalmaricciotti, GiovanniGiovanniPalmaricciottiFröhle, PeterPeterFröhle2021-04-162021-04-162014ICHE 2014 : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, 28 September to 2 October 2014 / editors: Rainer Lehfeldt, .... - Karlsruhe, Germany : Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, [2014]. - XX, 1155 Seiten. : Illustrationen. - ISBN 978-3-939230-32-8. - Seite 375-382http://hdl.handle.net/11420/9304Assessing the performance of future urban drainage management practices requires novel hydrological modelling approaches that can handle a large number of spatially distributed measures, such as Sustaina-ble Drainage Systems (SUDS). This paper presents the implementation of a SUDS modelling approach in a semi-distributed hydrological model that enables the simulation of flow between multiple linked SUDS and meso-scale retention spaces and the application of this model to an urban catchment. Combination of local drainage systems and water retention in public spaces may provide an appropriate strategy to cope with present and future pressures on the urban drainage infrastructure. The objectives of the implemented model are the representation of SUDS as model elements with water re-distribution functionality as well as its integration into a flood management tool. The model was applied to quantify the impacts of socio-economic and climate change in an urban catchment in Hamburg, Germany, under different future scenar-ios and combinations of SUDS. The results demonstrate the potential of SUDS and multipurpose reten-tion spaces for flood peak mitigation.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/GeowissenschaftenIngenieurwissenschaftenLandschaftsgestaltung, RaumplanungModelling decentralised systems for urban drainage and flood mitigationConference Paper10.15480/882.3445https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11970/9945310.15480/882.3445Lehfeldt, RainerRainerLehfeldtKopmann, RebekkaRebekkaKopmannConference Paper