Ankele, DanielDanielAnkeleDuehr, KatharinaKatharinaDuehrAlbers, AlbertAlbertAlbersBursac, NikolaNikolaBursac2023-10-132023-10-132023Stuttgarter Symposium fur Produktentwicklung (SSP 2023) research paper presents 39 measures for increasing stakeholder participation during Sprint Review within the agile product development of a mechatronic system. Based on 15 selected measures, the effect on stakeholder participation in real product development in an industrial environment is shown. The measures are, for example, self-introduction of stakeholders in the sprint review, change of contribution order, introduction of an agenda published in advance or active invitation to participate. Finally, the measures are evaluated individually by the stakeholders regarding their benefits and efforts in a further study. It is shown that stakeholder participation in terms of speaking time is increased by 41,6% and the number of participating stakeholders is increased by 48,0% as a result of the introduced measures. It is further illustrated that multiple different measures are necessary for this increase, since each stakeholder reacts to and evaluates the benefits of a measure differently. At the end, the outlook shows how research in the area of stakeholder participation can be continued within the context of a Sprint Review.deAgile product developmentScrumSprint ReviewStakeholderEconomicsEngineering and Applied OperationsStakeholderbeteiligung im Sprint Review bei der agilen Produktentwicklung mechatronischer SystemeStakeholder participation in Sprint Review in agile product development of mechatronic systemsConference Paper Paper