Faulwasser, TimmTimmFaulwasserKorda, MilanMilanKordaJones, Colin N.Colin N.JonesBonvin, DominiqueDominiqueBonvin2024-03-012024-03-012014IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 : 15 - 17 Dec. 2014, Los Angeles, California, USA. - Piscataway, NJ, 2014. - Seite 2734-2739978-1-4673-6089-0978-1-4673-6090-6978-1-4799-7745-1978-1-4799-7746-8https://hdl.handle.net/11420/46145We investigate the turnpike and dissipativity properties of continuous-time optimal control problems. These properties play a key role in the analysis and design of schemes for dynamic real-time optimization and economic model predictive control. We show in a continuous-time setting that dissipativity of a system with respect to a steady state implies the existence of a turnpike at this steady state and optimal stationary operation at this steady state. Furthermore, we investigate the converse statements: We show that the existence of a turnpike at a steady state implies (a) that this steady state is the optimal steady state; and (b) that over an infinite horizon the system is optimally operated at this steady state. We draw upon a numerical example to illustrate our findings.endissipativitydynamic real-time optimizationeconomic model predictive controlturnpike propertyMathematicsTurnpike and dissipativity properties in dynamic real-time optimization and economic MPCConference Paper10.1109/CDC.2014.7039808Conference Paper