Huber, PatrickPatrickHuberKnorr, KlausKlausKnorrKityk, Andriy V.Andriy V.Kityk2022-07-152022-07-152005-12Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 899: 199-204 (2005) present measurements on the spontaneous imbibition of water, a linear hydrocarbon (n-C15H34) and a liquid crystal (8OCB) into the pore space of monolithic, nanoporous Vycor glass (mean pore radius 5nm). Measurements of the mass uptake as a function of time, m(t), are in good agreement with the Lucas-Washbum √t -prediction typical of imbibition of liquids into porous hosts. The relative capillary rise velocities scale as expected from the bulk fluid parameters.enPhysikSpontaneous imbibition of liquids into nanoporesConference Paper10.1557/proc-0899-n09-07Other