Gresch, AlexanderAlexanderGreschKliesch, MartinMartinKliesch2025-01-232025-01-232025-01-15Nature communications 16: 689 (2025-01) of the energy of quantum many-body systems is a paradigmatic task in various research fields. In particular, efficient energy estimation may be crucial in achieving a quantum advantage for a practically relevant problem. For instance, the measurement effort poses a critical bottleneck for variational quantum algorithms. We aim to find the optimal strategy with single-qubit measurements that yields the highest provable accuracy given a total measurement budget. As a central tool, we establish tail bounds for empirical estimators of the energy. They are helpful for identifying measurement settings that improve the energy estimate the most. This task constitutes an NP-hard problem. However, we are able to circumvent this bottleneck and use the tail bounds to develop a practical, efficient estimation strategy, which we call ShadowGrouping. As the name indicates, it combines shadow estimation methods with grouping strategies for Pauli strings. In numerical experiments, we demonstrate that ShadowGrouping improves upon state-of-the-art meth-ods in estimating the electronic ground-state energies of various small molecules, both in provable and practical accuracy benchmarks. Hence, this work provides a promising way, e.g., to tackle the measurement bottleneck associated with quantum many-body Hamiltonians.en2041-1723Nature communications2025Springer Nature TechnologyGuaranteed efficient energy estimation of quantum many-body Hamiltonians using ShadowGroupingJournal Article Article