Bommareddy, Rajesh ReddyRajesh ReddyBommareddySabra, WaelWaelSabraMaheshwari, GarimaGarimaMaheshwariZeng, An-PingAn-PingZeng2019-08-142019-08-142015-03-18Microbial Cell Factories 1 (14): 1-13 (2015) Microbial lipids (triacylglycerols, TAG) have received large attention for a sustainable production of oleochemicals and biofuels. Rhodosporidium toruloides can accumulate lipids up to 70% of its cell mass under certain conditions. However, our understanding of lipid production in this yeast is still much limited, especially for growth with mixed substrates at the level of metabolic network. In this work, the potentials of several important carbon sources for TAG production in R.toruloides are first comparatively studied in silico by means of elementary mode analysis followed by experimental validation. Results: A simplified metabolic network of R.toruloides was reconstructed based on a combination of genome and proteome annotations. Optimal metabolic space was studied using elementary mode analysis for growth on glycerol, glucose, xylose and arabinose or in mixtures. The in silico model predictions of growth and lipid production are in agreement with experimental results. Both the in silico and experimental studies revealed that glycerol is an attractive substrate for lipid synthesis in R. toruloides either alone or in blend with sugars. A lipid yield as high as 0.53 (C-mol TAG/C-mol) has been experimentally obtained for growth on glycerol, compared to a theoretical maximum of 0.63 (C-mol TAG/C-mol). The lipid yield on glucose is much lower (0.29 (experimental) vs. 0.58 (predicted) C-mol TAG/C-mol). The blend of glucose with glycerol decreased the lipid yield on substrate but can significantly increase the overall volumetric productivity. Experimental studies revealed catabolite repression of glycerol by the presence of glucose for the first time. Significant influence of oxygen concentration on the yield and composition of lipids were observed which have not been quantitatively studied before. Conclusions: This study provides for the first time a simplified metabolic model of R.toruloides and its detailed in silico analysis for growth on different carbon sources for their potential of TAG synthesis. Experimental studies revealed the phenomenon of catabolite repression of glycerol by glucose and the importance of oxygen supply on the yield and composition of lipids. More systematic studies are needed to understand the mechanisms which should help to further optimize the lipid production in this strain of industrial interest.en1475-2859Microbial cell factories20151113BioMed Central glycerolelementary mode analysislipidsmetabolic network analysisoleaginous yeastBiowissenschaften, BiologieMetabolic network analysis and experimental study of lipid production in Rhodosporidium toruloides grown on single and mixed substratesJournal Articleurn:nbn:de:gbv:830-882.04541910.15480/882.236910.1186/s12934-015-0217-510.15480/882.2369Other