Özçep, Özgür LütfüÖzgür LütfüÖzçepMöller, RalfRalfMöllerNeuenstadt, ChristianChristianNeuenstadt2021-07-142021-07-14201437th Annual German Conference on AI (2014)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/9892The paper contributes to the recent efforts on temporalizing and streamifiying ontology based data access (OBDA) by discussing aspects of rewritability, i.e., compilability of the TBox into ontology-level queries, and unfoldability, i.e., transformability of ontology-level queries to queries on datasource level, for the new query-language framework STARQL. The distinguishing feature of STARQL is its general stream windowing and ABox sequencing strategy which allows it to plugin well-known query languages such as unions of conjunctive queries (UCQs) in combination with TBox languages such as DL-Lite and do temporal reasoning with a sorted first-order logic on top of them. The paper discusses safety aspects under which STARQL queries that embed UCQs over DL-Lite ontologies can be rewritten and unfolded to back-end relational stream query languages such as CQL. With these results, the adoption of description logic technology in industrially relevant application areas such as industrial monitoring is crucially fostered.enMonitoringOBDASafetyStreamsUnfoldingInformatikA stream-temporal query language for ontology based data accessConference Paper10.1007/978-3-319-11206-0_18Other