Dücker, Daniel-AndréDaniel-AndréDückerKreuzer, EdwinEdwinKreuzerMaerker, GunnarGunnarMaerkerSolowjow, EugenEugenSolowjow2021-11-112021-11-112018-12-17Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics 18 (1): e201800350 (2018)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/10886Detailed knowledge of model parameters is key for accurate forward simulations and control design. Identifying these parameters is especially challenging for underwater vehicles as they are subject to hydrodynamics effects which cannot be neglected in the equation of motion. In this work we present a method for hydrodynamic parameter identification of micro underwater vehicles which allow full-size experiments due to their small size. The low-cost experimental setup consists mainly on a free fall mass and an angular encoder. In an experimental series the hydrodynamic parameters of the micro underwater vehicle HippoCampus [1] are identified and compared with the analytically derived parameter set.en1617-7061Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics20181Wiley-VCHParameter Identification for Micro Underwater VehiclesConference Paper10.1002/pamm.201800350Other