Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud SeddikHossam El-Din Mahmoud SeddikAbbasAli, MukhtarMukhtarAliWerner, HerbertHerbertWerner2023-02-102023-02-102010Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : 5717855 6851-6856 (2010) this paper a Linear Recurrent Neural Network (LRNN) approach is used to consistently identify input-output Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems with additive output noise in input-output representation. Moreover, an indirect identification approach based on structured LRNN is proposed for consistent identification of input-output LPV models in closed-loop. The structured LRNN is trained to identify the closed-loop system from the reference to the output signal, where the controller parameters are presented as fixed weights and the parameters of the LPV model as unknown weights. The open-loop model can then be easily extracted from the identified closed-loop model. The proposed approach is illustrated with simulation examples, and a comparison with an existing approach is given. ©2010 IEEE.en0743-1546Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control201068516856IEEETechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenLinear recurrent neural network for open- and closed-loop consistent identification of LPV modelsConference Paper10.1109/CDC.2010.5717855Other