Seithe, GruscheGruscheSeitheEl Moctar, OuldOuldEl Moctar2021-03-012021-03-012019-0911th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH2019), Paper 85 the recent past, very large floating structures (VLFS) are used to realize a variety of large marine facilities like floating piers, bridges or logistical hubs, substituting the traditional bottom mounted structures. In most cases VLFSs consist of a number of individual modules that are assembled with connectors and hold in place by mooring systems. To ensure proper working and safety conditions, their hydrodynamic response in different sea states needs to be investigated. Previous investigations relied mainly on potential flow solvers which do not account for viscous and other nonlinear effects. However, flow properties under severe conditions are highly nonlinear. To capture the physics of such phenomena field methods are the preferred choice. The present work aims to investigate the hydrodynamic response of such a moored and coupled multi-body VLFS in waves using a flow code that computes multiphase unsteady incompressible flow simulations using the Navier Stokes equations coupled with a six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) multi-body solver and mooring model. A total number of 14 simulations have been conducted for single and multiple cuboid set-ups. The set-ups are based on the model tests performed at TU Delft. The hydrodynamic responses were assessed and show a favourable comparison for most cases between the computed and measured results.en structuresMooringMultibodyVLFSWave induced motionsTechnikWave-Induced Motions of Moored and Coupled Multi-Body Offshore StructuresConference Paper10.15480/882.331210.15480/882.3312Fluiddynamik und Schiffstheorie M-8Other