Starossek, UweUweStarossekZiems, HannahHannahZiemsFerenczi, TamasTamasFerenczi2020-03-252020-03-252016Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2016 : 53-58 (2016) is presented that aims at preventing bridge flutter. It consists of wings positioned along the sides of, and fixed relative to, the bridge deck. Flutter suppression efficiency is high provided the lateral eccentricity of the wings is large. It is a passive aerodynamic device that is presumably more economical than other passive measures or devices. Moreover, it does not contain moving parts. This is an advantage over devices with moving parts, which meet resistance due to reliability concerns. The reasons of effectiveness of the device are outlined and results of a parametric flutter analysis are presented. Wind tunnel tests have been performed in which the critical wind speed for flutter of a bridge deck sectional model without wings and with wings mounted in various configurations was measured. The experimental results are presented and compared with the results of flutter analysis.enTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenEccentric-wing flutter stabilizer: analysis and wind tunnel testsConference PaperOther