Simon, JonasJonasSimonMoll, JochenJochenMollKrozer, ViktorViktorKrozerKurin, ThomasThomasKurinLurz, FabianFabianLurzWeigel, RobertRobertWeigelKrause, StefanStefanKrauseBagemiel, OliverOliverBagemielNuber, AndreasAndreasNuberIssakov, VadimVadimIssakov2020-06-242020-06-242020Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters (90): 61-67 (2020) paper presents a numerical study on the application of radar and communication (RadCom) sensor nodes operating in the frequency band from 57–64 GHz. The sensor nodes are embedded in the laminate of wind turbine blades, enable a quality inspection directly after rotor blade manufacturing as well as a structural health monitoring (SHM) throughout the service life of the blade. Given by a lack of dielectric properties for typical rotor blade materials, we have performed experimental studies on material characterization including glass fibre composites, balsa wood, infusion glue, etc. This material database serves as input for wave propagation simulations in a full scale 3D rotor blade model. The analysis also includes a parametric study on path losses as well as an optimal sensor placement strategy.en1559-8985Progress in electromagnetics research20206167Towards embedded radcom-sensors in wind turbine blades: Preliminary numerical and experimental studiesJournal Article