Conrad, MarcMarcConradAndersen, Lennart FolkeLennart FolkeAndersenGil Chavez, GildaGildaGil ChavezHartge, Ernst-UlrichErnst-UlrichHartgeHäring, HansHansHäringHu, XihuaXihuaHuKreft, ChristianChristianKreftMeyer, RobertRobertMeyerReynolds, WienkeWienkeReynoldsSchmidt, LisaLisaSchmidtZetzl, CarstenCarstenZetzlHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrich2022-08-252022-08-252018-10NWBC 2018 - Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference: 323 - 325 (2018) Liquid Hot Water (LHW) biorefinery concept focusing on the production of lignin from non-woody lignocellulose was developed at the TUHH. Results from the cosortial project "Biorefinery 2021" are represented in this work. In a process cascade based on high pressure, hot water and enzymatic hydrolysis, hemicellulose and cellulose sugars are removed from the substrate to leave a nearnatural high molecular weight lignin fraction, which is not cytotoxic and possesses several proven bioactive properties. Lignin powder formulations are developed according to the applications requirements from industry and academia.enTechnikExperimental and economical case study: Competitive odor-free lignin from an aquasolv biorefineryConference PaperConference Paper