Becker, KristinKristinBeckerTerekhov, IvanIvanTerekhovNiklaß, MalteMalteNiklaßGollnick, VolkerVolkerGollnick2019-05-072019-05-072018Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference (2018) respect to the growing urbanization and subsequently increasing traffic in urban areas this paper presents future potential markets worldwide for interurban air mobility up to 300 km. For this analysis a gravity model is developed to forecast interurban air passenger demand for 2042 between 4435 settlements worldwide based on socio-economic factors. The results of the study provide a list of potential markets for UAM implementation.enA global gravity model for air passenger demand between city pairs and future interurban air mobility markets identificationConference Paper10.2514/6.2018-2885Other