Rehme, OlafOlafRehmeEmmelmann, ClausClausEmmelmannSchwarze, DieterDieterSchwarze2024-09-262024-09-2620073rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping (2007)0-415-41602-7978-0-415-41602-3 Laser Melting was introduced as an innovative Laser Freeform Fabrication technology that allows layerwise fabrication of periodic lattice structures from metal powders with customized design according to required quality attributes such as strength and stiffness or thermal, electrical, acoustical, filter or catalyst properties. Design engineers who strive for product innovations and who wish to adapt a product's design for Laser Freeform Fabrication should take these new design possibilities into account. The general manufacturability and scaling laws for mechanical properties such as stiffness and strength derived from compressive and tensile tests were previously reported. These results allow the design engineer to abandon solid geometries and introduce new designs based on periodic, open-cell structures such as internal lattice structures inside of parts which are solid on the outside. This approach can be used to e.g. manufacture lightweight parts of high strength while saving Laser Freeform Fabrication process time. Specific issues concerned with the manufacturability of the intersection between solid walls and lattice structures of such parts are covered in this paper.enNatural Sciences and Mathematics::530: PhysicsTechnology::621: Applied PhysicsSelective laser melting of lattice structures in solid shellsConference PaperConference Paper