Faulwasser, TimmTimmFaulwasserFlafikamp, KathrinKathrinFlafikampOber-Blöbaum, SinaSinaOber-BlöbaumWorthmann, KarlKarlWorthmann2024-03-042024-03-042021-06-01IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (9): 624-629 (2021)https://hdl.handle.net/11420/46179Turnpikes have recently gained significant research interest in optimal control, since they allow for pivotal insights into the structure of solutions to optimal control problems. So far, mainly steady state solutions which serve as optimal operation points, are studied. This is in contrast to time-varying turnpikes, which are in the focus of this paper. More concretely, we analyze symmetry-induced velocity turnpikes, i.e. controlled relative equilibria, called trim primitives, which are optimal operation points regarding the given cost criterion. We characterize velocity turnpikes by means of dissipativity inequalities. Moreover, we study the equivalence between optimal control problems and steady-state problems via the corresponding necessary optimality conditions. An academic example is given for illustration.en2405-8963IFAC-PapersOnLine20219624629IFACDissipativityGeometric approachesOptimal controlOptimisationRelative equilibriaTurnpikesComputer SciencesMathematicsA dissipativity characterization of velocity turnpikes in optimal control problems for mechanical systemsConference Paper10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.125Conference Paper