Ozaki, KatsuhisaKatsuhisaOzakiOgita, TakeshiTakeshiOgitaBünger, FlorianFlorianBüngerOishi, Shin’ichiShin’ichiOishi2020-11-132020-11-132015-07-01Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE 3 (6): 364-376 (2015)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/7823This paper is concerned with real interval arithmetic. We focus on interval matrix multiplication. Well-known algorithms for this purpose require the evaluation of several point matrix products to compute one interval matrix product. In order to save computing time we propose a method that modifies such known algorithm by partially using low-precision floating-point arithmetic. The modified algorithms work without significant loss of tightness of the computed interval matrix product but are about 30% faster than their corresponding original versions. The negligible loss of accuracy is rigorously estimated.en2185-4106Nonlinear theory and its applications20153364376InformatikMathematikAccelerating interval matrix multiplication by mixed precision arithmeticJournal Article10.1587/nolta.6.364Other